0Forest_Therian0's Profile

Joined on Apr 19, 2023
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
1-Year Club
0Forest_Therian0's Quizzes
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0Forest_Therian0's Recent Posts
"Hey Stray it's been awhile! (Not really, haha) How are you doing?? o((>ω< ))o"
"Oh ok, thank you!! That helps a lot, lol ✍(◔◡◔) ^^ Yeah! We will become good friends, I can tell! (^^)(^^) "
"☆*: .. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*☆"
"Also, your a feline Therian?? That's awesome! I've never had any Therian friends, especially a Feline one >:D"
"OH MY GOSH!!! Hi Stray It's amazing to meet you! Sorry for the late response XD I would love to be friends, and we can roleplay together! Al..."
"(Here's the Info Chart!!) Name: Age: Therian, Otherkin, or PolyTherian?: Gender/pronouns: Appearance: Th"
"Hi! I'm Wolfy (I'm 13) I'm a PolyTherian! :3 I need Therian/Otherkin friends cause I don't have any ToT and I really love to Roleplay! PLEAS..."
0Forest_Therian0's Recent Quiz Comments
"Hi I'm Wolfy! (I'm 13) I have known I was a PolyTherian for a few months and I took this quiz out of boredom, XD I got a 97% (I knew I…"
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