Randomtherian's Profile

Joined on Sep 4, 2023
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
1-Year Club
Randomtherian's Quizzes
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Randomtherian's Recent Quiz Comments
"You're not a therian you're other hearted. A connection means other hearted and that's ok! But you're not one."
In response to Alexgab:
"Ol me chamo Alex vim parar aq por conta do tik…"
1 -
"I'm a therian but this quiz says I'm not.
It also says therianthopy is a connection which is misinformation.
Therianthopy is…"
2 -
"Me too. This quiz said it was a connection, noooopeeee...."
In response to hails0906:
"Hello, my name is Hailey I took this quiz…"