Golden Personality? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Golden Personality?
Golden Personality?
Your Result: Golden PersonalityYou have a golden personality. You everything that a friend could want. You are loyal, nice, generous, outgoing, and charismatic. You treat others the way they want to be treated, which is with respect and dignity.
Sweet :D I thought I'd only get the friendly one :D YAY :D :D ...But, actually, I only treat people nicely who don't say crap about me, or pick on me..Cause, I am pretty mean to them :D
Me too!!
Golden Personality?
Your Result: Likeable Personality 92%You have a likable personality. You can sometimes be a little stuck-up and snobbish. Deep down when people get to know you your their best friend-but if someone gets the wrong impression you can be their worst nightmare.
Vibrant Personality 91%
Golden Personality 91%
Friendly Personality 80%
Sharing Personality 0%
Pessimistic Personality 0%
Rotten Personality 0%
Bratty Personality
Cool !
So sweetoni nema2 -
Graphology Test
Joel Engel
Who is the murderer A__ or B__?Graphologists are well aware of the controversy that exists regarding the validity of graphology. In a New York Times article, entitled: What Your Handwriting Says About Your Career, Philip Muskin, a professor of clinical psychiatry at Columbia Medical Center, says he thinks that handwriting analysis can help him gain insight into his patients, and he hopes to use it with them one day. ''It's shocking that writing a sentence could reveal character traits,'' Dr. Muskin said. In advancing this insight, I present the following test, with the understanding that this will illustrate there is something in it. You be the judge. Please consider the answers and notes.
Learn more: [no urls]
Your Result: Golden Personality 85%
You have a golden personality. You everything that a friend could want. You are loyal, nice, generous, outgoing, and charismatic. You treat others the way they want to be treated, which is with respect and dignity.
Friendly Personality 74%
Likeable Personality 73%
Vibrant Personality 73%
Sharing Personality 0%
Pessimistic Personality 0%
Rotten Personality 0%
Bratty Personality -
Your Result: Golden Personality 81%
You have a golden personality. You everything that a friend could want. You are loyal, nice, generous, outgoing, and charismatic. You treat others the way they want to be treated, which is with respect and dignity.
Friendly Personality 73%
Likeable Personality 72%
Vibrant Personality 63%
Sharing Personality 0%
Pessimistic Personality 0%
Rotten Personality 0%
Bratty Personality -
Golden Personality?
Your Result: Golden Personality 96%You have a golden personality. You everything that a friend could want. You are loyal, nice, generous, outgoing, and charismatic. You treat others the way they want to be treated, which is with respect and dignity.
89% Likeable Personality
88% Vibrant Personality
84% Sharing Personality
78% Friendly Personality
0% Pessimistic Personality
0% Rotten Personality
0% Bratty Personality
so right
world peace -
Golden Personality?
Your Result: Golden Personality 89%You have a golden personality. You everything that a friend could want. You are loyal, nice, generous, outgoing, and charismatic. You treat others the way they want to be treated, which is with respect and dignity.
85% Friendly Personality
82% Likeable Personality
82% Sharing Personality
81% Vibrant Personality
9% Pessimistic Personality
1% Bratty Personality
0% Rotten Personality
Gold en personality! Yay!-
Same percentage of top results mine is 89% golden
Your Result: Friendly Personality 91%
You have a friendly personality. You are outgoing and you make the perfect friend. Almost everyone you know love to be around you. You are trustworthy and reliable and can be left with a secret once again making you a good friend
87% Golden Personality
67% Likeable Personality
66% Vibrant Personality
63% Sharing Personality
8% Pessimistic Personality
1% Bratty Personality
1% Rotten Personality #honestly a slayhawtgurl1 -
Your Result: Golden Personality 85%
You have a golden personality. You everything that a friend could want. You are loyal, nice, generous, outgoing, and charismatic. You treat others the way they want to be treated, which is with respect and dignity.
Not gonna lie, I thought itd be worse!!
You have a friendly personality. You are outgoing and you make the perfect friend. Almost everyone you know love to be around you. You are trustworthy and reliable and can be left with a secret once again making you a good friend
90% Likeable Personality
88% Vibrant Personality
87% Golden Personality
80% Sharing Personality
0% Pessimistic Personality
0% Rotten Personality
0% Bratty Personalitylove541 -
Golden Personality 91%
You have a golden personality. Your everything that a friend could want. You are loyal, nice, generous, outgoing, and charismatic. You treat others the way they want to be treated, which is with respect and dignity.
85% Friendly Personality
84% Likeable Personality
83% Vibrant Personality
80% Sharing Personality
0% Pessimistic Personality
0% Rotten Personality
0% Bratty Personality-
Really accurate. Thanks!
Your Result: Golden Personality 89%
You have a golden personality. You everything that a friend could want. You are loyal, nice, generous, outgoing, and charismatic. You treat others the way they want to be treated, which is with respect and dignity.
85% Friendly Personality
78% Vibrant Personality
78% Likeable Personality
45% Sharing Personality
15% Bratty Personality
4% rotten personalityryann051 -
Your Result: Vibrant Personality 86%
You have a vibrant personality. Your friends love to be around you because you are outgoing, kind, and reliable, and trustworthy. You give off a warm energy and vibe making you charming and likable.
74% Pessimistic Personality
65% Golden Personality
65% Friendly Personality
64% Sharing Personality
60% Bratty Personality
60% Rotten Personality
58% Likeable Personality -
Golden Personality 91%
You have a golden personality. You everything that a friend could want. You are loyal, nice, generous, outgoing, and charismatic. You treat others the way they want to be treated, which is with respect and dignity.
83% Vibrant Personality
83% Friendly Personality
81% Likeable Personality
77% Sharing Personality
40% Bratty Personality
36% Rotten Personality
31% Pessimistic Personality -
Totally me!!
You have a golden personality. You
everything that a friend could want.
You are loyal, nice, generous,
outgoing , and charismatic. You treat
others the way they want to be
treated, which is with respect and
dignity. 85%
Friendly Personality 84%
S haring Personality 82%
L ikeable Personality 80%
V ibrant Personality 0%
Pe ssimistic Personality 0%
Ro tten Personality 0%
Br atty Personality.. -
You have a golden personality. You everything that a friend could want. You are loyal, nice, generous, outgoing, and charismatic. You treat others the way they want to be treated, which is with respect and dignity
yeah, if only they could return the favor and be nice to me.
Alana1 -
<table style="width: 320px; border: 1px solid gray; font: normal 12px arial, verdana, sans-serif; background-color: white;"><tr><td colspan="2" style="background: white; color: black; padding: 5px;"><b style="font: bold 20px 'Times New Roman', serif; display: block; margin-bottom: 8px;">Golden Personality?</b> <div style="font-size: 16px; margin-bottom: 4px;">Your Result: <b>Sharing Personality</b></di v><div style="width: 200px; background: white; border: 1px solid black;"><div style="width: 92%; background: red; font-size: 8px; line-height: 8px;">  ;</div></div><p style="margin: 10px; border: none; background: white; color: black;">You have a sharing personality. You are a generous and caring person. A good thing about you is your not afraid to speak your mind to set a friend straight. You don't mind doing someone a favor.</p></td></tr ><tr><td style="color: black; background: white; padding: 3px;">Golden Personality</td><td style="background: white; padding: 3px;"><div styl
Your Result: Friendly Personality
close 2 golden who caresYou have a friendly personality. You are outgoing and you make the perfect friend. Almost everyone you know love to be around you. You are trustworthy and reliable and can be left with a secret once again making you a good friend
emogurl1 -
Golden Personality?
Your Result: Sharing PersonalityYou have a sharing personality. You are a generous and caring person. A good thing about you is your not afraid to speak your mind to set a friend straight. You don't mind doing someone a favor.
WOW! so cute...that is totally me...
i can say that... -
Golden Personality
You have a golden personality. You everything that a friend could want. You are loyal, nice, generous, outgoing, and charismatic. You treat others the way they want to be treated, which is with respect and dignity.
thanx n cool quiz
hip hop1 -
You know, I'm starting to get tired of this chain letter junk. I mean seriously, I read it when i was 9 and now I'm 10. I never did any of it, it's just junk. STOP DOING IT!!!!! It's ruining the fun of, and if you started it, or even someone who does it, I WILL SET TATYANA ON YOU, and nobody wants that. So, again STOP DOING IT!!!!
Anyways, this was a pretty good quiz. I'm now leaving and surfing the site. PEACE OUT HOME DOGS!!!! :)
Nile601 -
golden? whoa, i dunno about that. i think im more vibrant and likeable. i mean, im not all that great. i guess golden was chosen randomly though, cuz the bar for golden was filled up just as much as the bars for friendly, likeable, sharing and vibrant. i should've gotten more for pessimenst though. i am a HUGE pessimist.
prett y good quiz. i enjoyed it.
bubblz1 -
Hmm, I have a "Golden" personality, but the person writing the quiz...well I don't know about his or her personality, but their grammar stinks. Clicks? Really? It's "cliques"!
LaTrish1 -
Golden personality! I just wish that everyone else could see who I really am though...stupid clicks. My two good friedns started hanging out in a click they and made now are too "good" to be my friends...
I got 85% Golden personality, and the close second was a three way 78% tie between Likeable, Vibrant, and Friendly... Is this a good combo?