What kind of body do you like? (For men) | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What kind of body do you like? (For men).

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  • Your Result: Chubby 78%

    You like girls that are a little bit on the heavier side; they will have some of the attributes of curvy women, and can be just as fun in bed. You will like their indulgent personalities. Go for all of the options for Curvy girls; Latinas, Blacks, and South Europeans.

    59% Slim
    28% Curvy
    26% Toned

  • Your Result: Chubby 84%

    You like girls that are a little bit on the heavier side; they will have some of the attributes of curvy women, and can be just as fun in bed. You will like their indulgent personalities. Go for all of the options for Curvy girls; Latinas, Blacks, and South Europeans.

    76% Curvy
    57% Toned
    28% Slim

  • Your Result: Chubby 78%

    You like girls that are a little bit on the heavier side; they will have some of the attributes of curvy women, and can be just as fun in bed. You will like their indulgent personalities. Go for all of the options for Curvy girls; Latinas, Blacks, and South Europeans.

    47% Curvy
    39% Toned
    22% Slim

    The faded smoke
  • Chubby 91%

    You like girls that are a little bit on the heavier side; they will have some of the attributes of curvy women, and can be just as fun in bed. You will like their indulgent personalities. Go for all of the options for Curvy girls; Latinas, Blacks, and South Europeans.

    60% Curvy
    50% Toned
    45% Slim

  • Toned 86%

    You like women who are healthy and muscular, with strong bodies. They will always have tons of energy between the sheets, and will have invigorating personalities. Look for North European, and some Asian women, to date.

    80% Curvy
    70% Chubby
    42% Slim

  • Curvy 91%

    You love curvy women with nice hips, large breasts, and round butts. They are wonderful in bed, and generally very sweet. Try to find Latinas, Black girls, and East Indian girls to date you.

    84% Chubby
    45% Slim
    24% Toned

    Curvy and chubby make me bust the quickest my heart wants want it wants.

  • Your Result: Curvy 90%

    You love curvy women with nice hips, large breasts, and round butts. They are wonderful in bed, and generally very sweet. Try to find Latinas, Black girls, and East Indian girls to date you.

    59% Chubby
    26% Toned
    16% Slim

    The faded smoke
  • Your Result: Curvy 84%

    You love curvy women with nice hips, large breasts, and round butts. They are wonderful in bed, and generally very sweet. Try to find Latinas, Black girls, and East Indian girls to date you.

    69% Slim
    50% Toned
    45% Chubby

    The faded smoke
  • Your Result: Curvy 78%

    You love curvy women with nice hips, large breasts, and round butts. They are wonderful in bed, and generally very sweet. Try to find Latinas, Black girls, and East Indian girls to date you.

    66% Chubby
    28% Slim
    14% Toned

  • Curvy 91%

    You love curvy women with nice hips, large breasts, and round butts. They are wonderful in bed, and generally very sweet. Try to find Latinas, Black girls, and East Indian girls to date you.

    84% Chubby
    50% Toned
    21% Slim

  • Curvy 91%

    You love curvy women with nice hips, large breasts, and round butts. They are wonderful in bed, and generally very sweet. Try to find Latinas, Black girls, and East Indian girls to date you.

    91% Chubby
    33% Toned
    28% Slim

  • Curvy 91%

    You love curvy women with nice hips, large breasts, and round butts. They are wonderful in bed, and generally very sweet. Try to find Latinas, Black girls, and East Indian girls to date you.

    69% Slim
    45% Chubby
    41% Toned

  • Curvy 91%

    You love curvy women with nice hips, large breasts, and round butts. They are wonderful in bed, and generally very sweet. Try to find Latinas, Black girls, and East Indian girls to date you.

    84% Chubby
    41% Toned
    28% Slim

    The faded smoke
  • Curvy 90%

    You love curvy women with nice hips, large breasts, and round butts. They are wonderful in bed, and generally very sweet. Try to find Latinas, Black girls, and East Indian girls to date you.

    35% Chubby
    35% Slim
    32% Toned

  • Curvy 84%

    You love curvy women with nice hips, large breasts, and round butts. They are wonderful in bed, and generally very sweet. Try to find Latinas, Black girls, and East Indian girls to date you.

    69% Chubby
    60% Slim
    24% Toned

  • This was so misogynistic

  • I do like a good chubby girl

    fat kid

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