Pottermore Sorting Quiz (all possible questions) | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Pottermore Sorting Quiz (all possible questions).
76% Ravenclaw - I'm happy with it :)
Jajjajaja lpm la vez pasada me dio Slytherin, y ahora Ravenclaw, se invirtieron los lugares
Vic_6161 -
I am Alfred Enoch 100% Griffindor
PS51 -
On both this quiz and the pottermore quiz I got hufflepuff so I am a true hufflepuff!!
I got 88% ravenclaw :0 and 70 something% gryffindor. Funny, I thought I was more ravenclaw slytherin.
Lunacats1 -
58% GRYFFINDORPip7351 -
Stay Safe
OMGGGGGGGGGG, I got ravenclaw! I have always LOVED luna lovegood and the house of ravenclaw, and no matter how many times I take any quiz, I ALWAYS get ravenclaw! YAYYYYYY!!!!!!!! 74% ravenclaw
I'm Happy to be Gryffindor
I got 88 Percent grifindoor an 88 percent on huffalpuf
Hi bob1 -
i'm a slytherin and a hufflepuff so i took this twice and got slytherin and hufflepuff but with the pottermore on i got ravenclaw which i knew wasn't right
kdola131 -
I am successfully a RAVENCLAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My patronus is a hedgehog and i am a Ravenclaw and on top of that i am also an animagus whoo hoo
*Fun fact
Did you know that hufflepuff-slytherin friendships are so common and so strong?
p.s : just found out while looking out for a reason why my best friend is slytherin
maybr your friend actually hates you i dont mean to cause any disputes but slitherpuff friendships rarely end well. they are probably racist or something
LooooLll :)))))) good guess, never thought of it that way
but I'm pretty sure she doesn't hate me :)))
P.s (I made her addmit it after reading this)ZaraF1 -
And by the way, that seems pretty racistic itself to say someone is racist or something
Bin 77% Hufflepuff 38% Slitherin 35% Griffindor und 15% Ravenclaw
Bin im haus der Loyalitet,Freundschaft, Vertraun und Gutherichkeit
Meine Gutherzichkeit
Halli1 -
no homo -
Did you know that Flitwick fought in ww2 and won? Embarassd?
Gryffindor squad!
green scwod is coming for your b----ass, better pucker up and start kissing before i beat you to a horrible death
Get out of the broom cubard you f--, Rita Skeeter reported
guaranteed I can blow your mined
Am slytherin but my favorite house is hufflepuff
f--- you
scum spread over scum
um sp-need I go on
77% Gryffindor
53% Hufflepuff
41% Slytherin
33% RavenclawI actually predicted this house order Oh well, I'm Gryffindor and proud!
Thingy1 -
Who likes this
Thingy1 -
Thingy1 -
Lol I think that mine broke. I got 0% on all of them. How do I do that?