Fun9user9's Profile
Joined on Mar 18, 2020
Status Level: Novice
Fun9user9's Quizzes
- A Day At My Middle School:[published: Apr 04, 2020, 1 comment]
Hello, first of all this is not Fun9user9, its his sister, Clee. I got permission from him to pot a……
- Would you be a good musher?[published: Mar 20, 2020, 1 comment]
Being a musher is hard work. Most think it is cruel and pointless, but that is wrong. It is fun and……
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Fun9user9's Recent Quiz Comments
"ha I got tony. My cats name actually is tony, and he looks just like that picture"
2 -
"hey check out my quiz"
In response to Fun9user9:
"ok... weird thing is that i live in alaska and…"
1 -
"this is the most awful and stupid thing ever...sorry not sorry"
1 -
"You would be a sly red fox, living in the woodlands of North America. You would have soft orange fur, with black markings and a splash…"
1 -
"nope i got vulpine"
In response to MysticShade:
"Am I the only person who got Vulpine??? Wow, I…"
2 -
"this fun9use9s sis im a country girl at heart"
1 -
"hermione rules..........this is fun9user9's sis btw"
1 reply1 -
"surprise surprise i am...............YOUR BROtherS FRieNd......why is that weird?? I am YOUr brother.
-real fun9user9"
2 -
"in the great words of Fleur Delacour:
"Vat ees thees?!?!?!?!?"
no for real i vant to know!"1 -
"ok... weird thing is that i live in alaska and own 16 husky's yet i got a beagle?!
lol, my sister actually has a beagle tho,…"
2 replies1