What birth order personality do you have? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What birth order personality do you have?
NO this quiz sucks I hate it I am not the youngest and I would hate to be the youngest! In fact, I am the oldest! I have almost NONE of these traits, and I would never ever have them, no matter how hard I try. This quiz is NOT accurate.
...I think it is acurate bc it got mine correct but it could also be geussing bc i didnt answer any of the questions.
Correct only child
Ducky1 -
My birth order result was incorrect it listed me as a middle child. Not correct I am the youngest
I found the quiz to be very interesting. It was correct about me.
Crc0221 -
Got firstborn although I am literally the bridge between the younguns and the biguns. Nice decription tho, ya did well kid
My result was middleborn, but I am an only child. However my other descriptions about me were accurate.
slsmit091 -
the two students in my group btw are the ones who make fun of me and idk if they are joking around but i dont believe them
I got middle child but I am the oldest I am 14 and brother is 8. Amazing quiz tho
I liked this quiz. I got youngest even though i am first born. But the discription did describe me.
Quest251 -
π Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hooray!!!!!!!!! I'm very very very glad!!! Thank you quiz creator. This quiz was brilliant..!
I am the second of four and it has me as a middle born, I think it was very true to who I am.
Teesha1 -
my birth order quiz was incorrect it listed me as an only child,and I am the firstborn child
This quiz was right. It chose me as the middle child and that I am!!
This one is sooooo true. I am the middle born child of 6. How freaky is that ?? Guess it DOES show LOL.
EmKay441 -
Wrong! I am a middle child..but I can see how they would think I am the oldest.
I'm the middlest middle child. And I got oldest born. I knew I was older than my older siblings!!!!!!!! Wahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hotnsexy1 -
hello its me
this was wrong bout me cause i am the first born and i thought i was very intersing thank
marie81 -
Nvm i got first-born!!! :D
I'm an only child, I got middleborn. Heck?
it sucks dealing with itπ
so true, this is how the Wii U makes me feel
I'm a only child but I got middle born π‘
i got middle even though i am firstborn :)>
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