What is the First Letter of my Soulmate's name? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What is the First Letter of my Soulmate's name?
So, the first letter of my soulmate's D. I already found my soulmate, and her name starts with an S. The quiz is wrong.
What is the First Letter of my Soulmate's name?
Your Result: The First Letter of your Soulmate's name is .... D
The First Letter of your Soulmate's name is D. He wil be a regular guy, who does normal things, But then one day, fate will bring you two together, and love shall find you then.
The First Letter of your Soulmates name is... J
The First Letter of your soulmates name is... T
The First Letter of your Soulmate's name is....C
Ok, I believe I already found my soulmate? And, her name starts with a "C"...So does mine...Wierd. :P LMAO! But, yes. This quiz is wrong. :D
Not very open
Wow, this is actually pretty amazing. I have been finding A LOT of things besides this very quiz that proves my crush is my soul mate... This quiz just proves to me AGAIN that he is my perfect guy.. IT EVEN GUESSED HIS PERSONALITY- kinda creepy but I love it! You should honestly give this quiz a try. Maybe you will get the results you wanted! ðŸ‘ðŸ»
Omg same my crushes name starts with a J and I got j as the first letter of my crushes name ima just say his name and risk him seeing it. His name is Judah all my friends say hes ugly but I thinks hes cute and this quiz guessed his personality perfectly hes sweet good- looking kind and everything else the result said
Okay so if you saw that other comment I made that I said my boyfriends name starts with a t or actually said his name well we broke up because he wanted to be single again but that day I got that my soulmates first letter will be a "c" well today it said my soulmates first letter with start with "d"
Jessica_3 -
B ro! This quiz is obviously just fake, but Oh my Cheese nuggets!!! I got "C" as my answer, and my boyfriend is currently a person named Canaan! What a funny coincidence heheh.... But I don't know if he's absolutely the one for me... He moved away a while ago. I'm so lonely right now, It's very saddening. Being so alone hurts me. But I doubt anyone cares about my problems. I don't blame you. On the bright side, I get to see him soon 😙☺
Hi! 4 years ago! did you guys stay together :0
I am in love and have been in love since I was 19 to Danny go figure my soul mate starts with a D
I'm kinda disappointed lol its not a bad quiz I just thought I found someone I liked,
but dating a jock? I feel I would date a nerd lol :)
Your Result: The First Letter of your soulmates name is... T
The First Letter of your Soulmate's name is T. He will be a bad boy Jock, you makes fun of geeks, and you will be the nice girl who changes him into a wonderful person, and you two will fall in love.
Your Result: The First Letter of your Soulmates name is... J
The first letter of your soulmate's name is J! He will have one of two personalities. He will either be the nice, sweet, loving, good-looking good boy, or the hot, sweet talking bad boy, But either way, you will love them with all your heart!
61% The First Letter of your Soulmate's name is .... D
56% The First Letter of your Soulmate's name is....C
40% The First Letter of your soulmates name is... T
I'm dating a guy called Jordan now, he's like my best guy outta all of em
What is the First Letter of my Soulmate's name?
Your Result: The First Letter of your Soulmates name is... J
The first letter of your soulmate's name is J! He will have one of two personalities. He will either be the nice, sweet, loving, good-looking good boy, or the hot, sweet talking bad boy, But either way, you will love them with all your heart!
drfxsfyf,gtkgcvjftd,vb.hlftdf AHHHH!!! I currently am in love with this guy, and his first name starts with a J. I don't know if this is a coincidence or fate, but my friends are calling me a tomatoe right now XD
I Do Not Want A Gay Man! I Want A Wife With Pinkish Red OR Fire Orange Hair, Colorful Eyes, Sexy Average Body, Awesome Boobs, Wider Waist And Hips! Awesome Personality, Can Hold Down The Fort On Her Favorite Hobbies That Are Being Built Into Part-Time Jobs That Are Less Stressful And Who Has A Strong Spiritual Routine! ANSWER DENIED! Gay Pervert! Wake Up And Smell The Roses! Come Back Down To Earth! I Want To Marry A Lady, Because I Am A Man!
Final Warning, If You Keep This Up, I Will Be Putting My Foot Down! BANNED! Restrict Access To This Website Thru Apple IPAD Settings! Report This Website To Google For Being Misleading! Steaming With Hot Veins.
Yes I agree I'm lesbian
Zeeeeee1 -
Same @Zeeeeee bc im Bisexual hes being rude like dude come on
I agree, and @mooshroom you cant ban a user simply for putting male results. And not everyone thinks like you, so the quizmaker of this one can make any kind of quiz he/she wants.
Ima girl and currently CRUSHING on a girl. Bisexuality RULES butch! Hopefully she will kiss me! Lol!
I "got a "D" which is awesomeness, First letter of my Husband's last name. Then "J" which is the first letter of my husband's first name. had no doubt so its cool that it came up with his initialsain't nothing better than finding out that your husband is your true soulmate then again I already knew that
This is such a coincidence! I have had a couple boyfriends in the past that have started with "J"! My recent one broke up with me a few months ago but I am having trouble getting over him because of how long we were together.
Dude, the moment I saw the letter I started grinning. Seriously though, J? I know a couple of guys with j's as first letters, but they don't fit your description and we would make awful couples. Good quiz though.
Zephyr302 -
Your Result: The First Letter of your soulmates name is... T
The First Letter of your Soulmate's name is T. He will be a bad boy Jock, you makes fun of geeks, and you will be the nice girl who changes him into a wonderful person, and you two will fall in love.
T? ... 0_0 Oh, my.
damn haha, this quiz wrote you a whole fanfiction!
It says the first letter of my soulmates name is D, but thats wrong because I have already met him and his name starts by O. But theres no O option in this quiz. So I guess you should make more options if you want them to be accurate. But when you said, He wil be a regular guy, who does normal things, thats true; hes perfectly normal, but really nice.
I keep getting J and the guy i love starts with M... This quiz is weird because I took a whole bunch of these and they keep comming on with J and the last guy i dated was J and he dumped me because i cared about myself and not him.. so i think this is totally bogus!
Snooks172 -
Your Result: The First Letter of your soulmates name is... T
The First Letter of your Soulmate's name is T. He will be a bad boy Jock, you makes fun of geeks, and you will be the nice girl who changes him into a wonderful person, and you two will fall in love.
63% The First Letter of your Soulmate's name is....C
52% The First Letter of your Soulmates name is... J
48% The First Letter of your Soulmate's name is .... D
Espie1 -
What is the First Letter of my Soulmate's name?
Your Result: The First Letter of your soulmate's name is... T
The First Letter of your Soulmate's name is T. He will be a bad boy Jock, you make fun of geeks, and you will be the nice girl who changes him into a wonderful person, and you two will fall in love.
81% The First Letter of your Soulmate's name is....C
76% The First Letter of your Soulmates name is... J
57% The First Letter of your Soulmate's name is .... D
OMG OMG OMG!!! Idk this is probably all just a coincidence but I'm only 12 and already I've met a boy beginning with the letter J, it's probably just a coincidence but I'm so happy! I think I'm in love! Thanks so so so much!!!!
I Had Three Make Believe Girlfriends Who Were Sweet And Foxy Who Were Part Of My Spiritual Fruitage. Mayuki, Kisa And Yuki With Sweet Voices. I Have Had A Lot Of Other Make Believe Girlfriends Who Had Broke Away From My Own Spirit And They Had Left My Household. Scampering Away.
I Had Four Feminine School Mates At The FGHS, But They Have Wholeheartedly Rejected Me After Sharing One Orange Can Of Crush And Talking About Our Love Issues. Past Lamentation.
Present Day: Yuki Still Lives As My Spiritual Fruitage Of Love.
I Have Scanned Four Girlfriends That I Would Love To Have, But They Are Just Too Young. Emma Has Impressively Foxy Attractive Body. Emma Had Showed Me Her Sexually Attractive Belly & Her Bellybutton Naval While Lifting Up Her Casual Shirt At The Brother's Go Away Party While She Was Looking Up To Me. Eli Had The Correct Appearance Like The First Image And Second Image, But She Wears Red And High Heels Can Ruin A Date Due To A Medical Emergency To The Hospital. I Was Cunningly Alert To That Dangerous Risk Within Advance. Including, Eli Was Not A Very Good Speaker, Not Rejoicing And She Was Not Singing Taylor Swift Songs Within The Car. Her Mom Was Trixxie. She Treats Her Parents With Respect And Care. Savanna Was Very Good At Dancing With Such Grace And Smiling Back At Me, But Savanna Had To Leave. Last But Least, Lyra My Best Friend Who Was A Sister Within Faith Who Comes To Visit Me With Wanda Within The Car. I Had Held Her Hand A Few Times And I've Pet Her Hair Once. But Oh Dear! Me Alec And Sweet Little Lyra Have Got A Terrible Infatuated Crush! She Sings Taylor Swift And My Favorite Songs, Including My Favorite Sing Joyfully To Jehovah Kingdom Melodies Within The Car, But She's Too Young For Me To Love Her And Mate For Life! She's Within Elementary School And I Am 26 Years Old! There is No Way You Can Progress The Timeline Of Her Own Body As A Kid Into A Young Woman! Many Health Scientists Couldn't Figure That Out!
So, Now Here I Am! Lonesome W
AlecSM2 -
So Much To Say For Sure! I ABSOLUTELY Want To Get Married And Have Many Kids!
AlecSM2 -
While Also Being Prepared With A "No Blood" Medical Card!
AlecSM2 -
I Have Faced So Much Loneliness From My Childbirth As A Fetal Premature Born Child With No One Born Next To Me Up To This Period Of Time During My 26th Year! I Was Being Taken Out Of The Womb Surgically As A Fetus Before I Could Barely Breathe While My Mom Was On High Blood Pressure! Lamently Crying.
AlecSM2 -
I Was The Only Youngest Male Member Within The Household!
Your Result: The First Letter of your Soulmates name is... J
The first letter of your soulmate's name is J! He will have one of two personalities. He will either be the nice, sweet, loving, good-looking good boy, or the hot, sweet talking bad boy, But either way, you will love them with all your heart!
43% The First Letter of your Soulmate's name is....C
36% The First Letter of your Soulmate's name is .... D
35% The First Letter of your soulmates name is... T
It makes so much sense. I met this guy who I can vibe with. And he is a awesome guy who I can really get along with! We just click, and it feels like we've been friends for a really long time even though we've only talked/seen each other a few times. Crazy! Good quiz. :)
Your Result: The First Letter of your Soulmates name is... J
The first letter of your soulmate's name is J! He will have one of two personalities. He will either be the nice, sweet, loving, good-looking good boy, or the hot, sweet talking bad boy, But either way, you will love them with all your heart!
ok.. question marl
I got C, which makes me kinda happy because my crushes name starts with a C! Although not so sure this is real, but whatever.
I got 91% J. My first crush's name starts with a J ( I still think we're perfect for each other) I got 88% C. I have a little crush on two different guys whose names both start with C. coincidence?
Bro! I have a major crush on this guy named Jaret. We talked and then had a few complications. My soulmates name is supposed to start with the letter J. Oooooff!!
our Result: The First Letter of your soulmates name is... T 81%
The First Letter of your Soulmate's name is T. He will be a bad boy Jock, you makes fun of geeks, and you will be the nice girl who changes him into a wonderful person, and you two will fall in love.
69% The First Letter of your Soulmate's name is....C
55% The First Letter of your Soulmates name is... J
53% The First Letter of your Soulmate's name is .... D
mayav1 -
I believe I already have met my soulmate and his name is Owen he fits the C description perfectly but I would love it if there were more names
I forgot people are straight haha, I'm a lesbian and my answer used he/him soooooooooo eh. but it's fine, I would just recommend asking gender preference in the quiz, not just the quiz taker's gender! (ALSO PLEASE PUT THEY/THEM, DID THIS WITH MY NB FRIEND)