Which Harry Potter character are you...really? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Which Harry Potter character are you...really?
Dude i love the book and when this person made the quiz ya i love this quiz
lela1 -
81% Albus Dumbledore
@ Kepler... Omg u just stole my EXACT thoughts.. MIND STALKER!
Bow before my might, for i am voldemort!
ok, i like him because hes actuallly really smart and cunning
I wish there were more inbetween options, but I still like the quiz.
That Stupid dickbag is a dick.
I'm Bellatrix lestrange
Wow m ateptam la Hermione, dar l-am primit pe Harry.
Draco Malfoy... Hmm. >;)
Harry james potter
lela1 -
Voldemort! Awesome!
Ron 77% BLOODY HELL I LOVE RON. He's my fave character from the series.
92% Harry James Potter
Draco, yeay!
kim_cchi1 -
Dumbledore 100% ...weird but ok cool
I got severus snape....He is my most favorite character! He is good at heart......and an expert!Always wish him good.
Herwe1231 -
Jstar7001 -
Dumbledore,McGonoga ll, then Hermoine. Odd mix
Dumbledore dah puppet master
gorilla1 -
@ Beatle Obsessed: Well, then you need to practice your Occlumency, don't you? ^_~
Kepler1 -
Voldemort. HhhmmmI was hoping for bellatrix lestrange:'(
Dylan, this quiz is friggin epic!
Sherlip1 -
this quiz was life changing in all the wrong ways i am NOT evil even thpugh i said i was literally kys i hate you