are you pretty average or UGLY! | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz are you pretty average or UGLY!
okay...honestly no one cares if you are popular. it doesn't matter if you are. people now days are judgmental and think that if you're popular, you are automatically "beautiful". no. i am against this quiz. it could really hurt feelings. beauty comes from within and no one should be telling someone they are ugly. it is wrong. to everyone out there, you are truly beautiful. this quiz isnt reliable.
I got really pretty :)
You said u were popular and pretty and stuff, but I always thought 'popular' people were modest, nice and pretty and stuff. Your not exactly modest :/
The way I dress and wear my hair makes me who I am. I am me. If I change how I look, I am not me. Why would I intentionally be someone I am not?
im average. true i have a boyfriend, im kinda pretty, and i have tons of friends but i trust like 6 of em
rave1 -
yesh im not pretty but hey NO PRETTY CLOTHES FOR ME EVER!!!!!
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