Mysterious Fox's Profile

Mysterious Fox
Joined on May 24, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
Mysterious Fox's Quizzes
No quizzes added yet!
Mysterious Fox's Recent Posts
"yeah!!! she's now novice for one post "
"i have this one this is ff"
"meh, i heard that my friend Fire_Fairy was mean to you, so I am here to apologize to you"
"thanx 4 showing that im wanted........... who is Creed?"
"im 16 and got a new............... Emma, whats with the bomb my new car??????"
"ok then........."
"what the f--- is happening?"
"good bye so soon xD"
"soooo, hows your love life with Ashley and Tristan?"
"your here for worse jk jk jk"
"Fairy: LMFAO!!!!!!"
"im outta here......... :P"
"not again........."
Mysterious Fox's Recent Quiz Comments
"haha u havnt gotten me!!!!!"
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"yellow :)"
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"niiiiice 75% likeable :)"
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"You are 27% Chinese student.
You have a balanced view on reality and dreams. As long as one strikes, there will always be a…"
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"Wow @2belowme girls, calm down. this stupid idiot doesnt know what hes talking about ok? lol, though i mortally agree with you XD"
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"yeah, 60% i have my doubts cuz it takes him like 3 minutes to text me back =( anyways, i still luv him like crazy"
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"92% im from Massachusetts but i noticed that you took a lot of questions from the other Massachusetts quiz"
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"car accident: ill stick with a bicycle THANK YOU. how does someone dye of having sex anyway?"
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"i got 93% my crush is my boyfriend :)"
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"Funny and Playful: yeah, that sums up my boyfriend. He loves to laugh and push me around (gently). I LOVE HIM!!!"