What American accent do you have? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What American accent do you have?
This is A weird Quiz, But it is fun so.
impeccable taste in curtains
Vergilia1 -
o.k. said the midland, I spent 17 years in Idaho, 3 years in BC Canada, and the last 55 in Mississippi.
joeddie1 -
'you are probably from north Jersey, New York City, Connecticut or Rhode Island.the northeast'Well,I donnt know
phyllis1 -
Oh my god
don1231 -
i got midland. i know I like to pronounce things but i was born and raised in Boston
north central? i live in the south
I got the west. i have no accent lol. very accurate and true
e_e i only answered 1
this quiz says i don't have an accent, i think that's true...unless my fake british accent counts.
Ali4ever1 -
But I was born in Conneticut(?)Shaymin1 -
it says when you step away from the great lakes you will be asked ?s like are you from wisconsin... im from wisconsin, damn accurate quiz
this guy is b----y who made this quiz gotoquiz puts lines in the bad words i write
Southern :P
Yeahh, I can be a radio host!!
But I'm not from midland... I am from northwest xD
north central. wheres that?
I'm a new user and how to you log out please help
I got the West, wow very cool.
Right down to the City fore.
For the fun of it, take the quiz
ppafaye1 -
Hello, I am Tyanzla. I died on a friday night in a accident and three tornado's, if you don't post this to 5 other quizzes in 3 hours you will die the same way I did on the next uneven friday night, three tornado's and a car accicident.
Lila1230 -
Yes wise one
Oh, great. Shuddup, Teddy.
NeonNerd1 -
Hey, I think this quiz is great and all but is it ever going to stop being #1.
cuts cheese
cuts cheese