Dolphin13's Profile

Joined on Aug 5, 2011
Status Level: Novice
Dolphin13's Quizzes
- Our Summer Begins[published: May 18, 2012, 2 comments]
Our Summer Begins is a story about your independent summer. No parents, and no place you're supposed to be……
- A New Kind of Love Story part 4[published: Jan 26, 2012, 5 comments]
Hi people of the world if you are incapable of reading titles this is A New Kind of Love Story……
- A New Kind of Love Story part 3[published: Nov 10, 2011, 13 comments]
So this is A New Kind of Love Story part 3!!!!! I know I've taken so long to finish and I'm……
- A New Kind of Love Story part 2[published: Aug 25, 2011, 6 comments]
Hey guys! So this is part two of A New Kind of Love Story. In this there is another guy! Yikes!……
- A New Kind of Love Story[published: Aug 24, 2011, 12 comments]
So this a love story that takes place in the eighth grade. Sorry if you are not in the eighth grade but……
Dolphin13's Recent Posts
"I'm not sure this will help but i just made a quiz where you have to decide between three guys here's the link [no urls] but"
Dolphin13's Recent Quiz Comments
"NIALL!!!!! He's my favorite and I got him! Awesome quiz!"
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"Katniss Swag!!!!!!"
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"I got Jesus!!! Lol I'm not even religious! Nice quiz!"
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"I love u so much don't die! (u said to me now it's payback) I got Aaron Simmons and in the results u made a one direction joke! "you light…"
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"Omg plz make part 2 soon!!!! I loved it I'm going to a 1D concert soon and this is totally what me and my friends are going to do!!! "
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"Love the HUNGER GAMES!!!!!!!!!"
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"black. sadly so true"
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"who do you want alone time with in part 5?"
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"Part 4 done!!!!! tell me which guy you guys want to be alone with for part 5"
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"I Loved ur quiz!!!! & Michael :)"