Grammar Quiz! +Random Questions!

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This is a random quiz I made while I was sleep deprived af and listening to the true crime mystery podcast " My Favorite Murder " Yes, I classify as a Murderino, if you were to ask my gender, that is my answer.

Anyway, enjoy the quiz to find out more about your grammar skills! .....Oh heavens... Where was I going with this?...... I genuinely do not know, hmmm..

Created by: Lovely Wired Earbuds
  1. Which of the sentences below is correct?
  2. How many syllables does the sentence "A bird migrates to warmer areas during Winter" have?
  3. What does the following symbol mean? %
  4. What does the term 6 feet under mean?
  5. What color is a mirror?
  6. Which word is spelt correctly?
  7. What does the following word mean? " Thanatophobia "
  8. Be honest, how good are you at speaking/typing good grammar?
  9. What is another word for Language Arts class?
  10. It is making me add a 10th question sooooo... Is covid19 going to get me?

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