murder mystery:the final chapter

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The final chapter of murder mystery has been created...the mystery man after you and more vile than ever! he will stop at nothing to retrieve your sisters dimond!

but....will YOU survive the final chapter or will you be swallowed in the jaws of defeat?Find out in this all new murder mystery quiz starring you,the mystery man and the creater,me.....

Created by: Jenna
  1. At home you are greeted by the police..
  2. We will give you protection and for saftey reasons you are reccomended not to leave the house untill the fugitive has been captured and brought befre court.
  3. You are dying of boredom so one day you sneak out the back door to go to:
  4. On the way a man offers you a
  5. He forces you in the car and punches you!When you wake up you:
  6. Some policemen come and corner the car.the mystery man shoots at them then grabs you and runs!
  7. You find yourself in a dark room with no windows and only a locked door.After moving around you feel something sharp,It was the dimond!
  8. The mystery man enters the hide out of sight whilst he looks for the dimond...
  9. You run all the way home and...
  10. A letter comes the next day addressed to you from:
  11. Although this quiz is done you must tell me if I must make another murder mystery...

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