Murder Mystery(Season One Part Two)

Hi,this is part two of my murder mystery series.I hope you enjoy this quiz,and please comment what I should do for Murder Mystery Part Three.I’m seriously running outta ideas.

Like I said above,please comment ideas for part three!I also decided not to kid-friendly this thing because I’m lazy,lol.Ok,are you even reading this?Most people don’t read this,lol.

  1. You’re at a fancy dinner party hosted by a wealthy,posh woman,Mrs Brooke.Suddenly,everything’s covered in smoke,you start choking and you see a gloved hand stab Mrs Brooke.What should you do?
  2. Whatever you did,the murderer kept silent and managed to hide the knife somewhere.Everyone somehow suspects you because you’re holding the cake knife and the cake is red velvet,so the knife is smeared with red frosting which kinda looks like blood.What do you say?
  3. Okay,I know this isn’t your typical murder mystery where you’re the detective but anyways the rest of the guests believed you and told you where they were.Also,keep in mind all of what they said was true.Miss Kaylee said,”I was checking out Mrs Brooke’s fashion collection upstairs,I don’t know what happened!When I heard someone scream I rushed downstairs immediately!” Sus or Not Sus?
  4. Mr John said,”I was stuffing my face with apple pie,I don’t know what happened!When everything went dark I just stumbled around like all of us did!” Sus or Not Sus?
  5. The cook said,”I was in the kitchen,cutting up some steak,of course I was wearing my protective gloves.” Sus or Not Sus?
  6. Miss Richards said,”Umm,I was at the balcony,looking at the stars,why are you asking me this,I have no idea what’s going on.” Sus or Not Sus?
  7. And,finally,the maid said,”I was cleaning up in the living room,it was so sad.Mrs Brooke is so wealthy,though…” *dabs tears off eyes* Sus or Not Sus?
  8. Okay,so who do you think murdered her?
  9. And who do you think planned the murder?
  10. As a final test,you decide to pretend to leave and spy on them.Immediately,the maid rushed over to the cook and started whispering something.They giggled.
  11. Miss Kaylee was talking to Miss Richards.You hear Miss Kaylee say,”It’s tragic,really,so young to have such died.At least her fashion designs will be remembered.” You also hear Miss Richards say,”I saw this in the stars,I did!”
  12. And,finally,Mr John just walks around aimlessly.LOL.

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