get on specs fav list?

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hello, can’t be writing this much s---e at 12am. s---s so long. 150 characters has never been my opp before but you bet believe it is now. GODDAMN it’s still going.

don't care + didn't ask + cry about it + stay mad + get real + L + ratio + mald seethe cope harder + hoes mad + basic + skill issue + don't care + didn't ask

Created by: spectre
  1. where is spectre from?
  2. what is specs FAVOURITE music genre?
  3. what pronouns does spectre claim to use
  4. has spectre graduated college yet?
  5. what’s his favourite sweet treat?
  6. who currently won’t get out of his dms?
  7. move in now move out
  8. what is spectre’s favourite sonic character?
  9. spectre’s favourite youtuber?
  10. last question? what’s his favourite game?

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