Who are you more like: Goku, Naruto or Jifu?

Most of the time, you cannot stop thinking about Pokémon, Doraemon, and stuff like that. Did you know they're anime? Betcha didn't. Now take the quiz.

.......... what? GET IN THERE AND TAKE THE GODDAMN QUIZ! Sorry. What? You can't? Don't be so goddamn, freakin', being a hell, crapnappy stupid. This is anime, OK?

Created by: Dean Emery
  1. Do you have any friends?
  2. How would you describe yourself?
  3. How strong are you?
  4. How easy are you to fail killing?
  5. What is your biggest fear?
  6. Who is your best friend in anime?
  7. How was your final fate?
  8. How would you defeat your biggest enemies?
  9. Who would be your worst nightmare?
  10. How did you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Who am I more like: Goku, Naruto or Jifu?
