General Election 2024: What Party should you vote for?

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This is an incredibly serious and accurate test, 10/10 journalists approve and 9/10 doctors do as well. If you disagree with your results you are in denial, just give it some time.

Thank you to @ggfggccfalt, @BrandonMasih and @Universal_Robin for the questions I shamelessly stole. If you gave me a question I didn't use I apologise, they were all good and I didn't need a dozen questions.

Created by: Corwin
  1. Somehow I have to fill out 10 questions, so bare with me. For starters what's your favourite type of biscuit?
  2. Dogs or cats?
  3. If you were Supreme Leader of a totalitarian dictatorship, what song would be your anthem?
  4. Houses. Yay or nay?
  5. It's only question 5 god, going to twitter for help "Would you shag a sexy alien?". Don't judge me, not my question
  6. Continuing the twitter questions, "Do you support the establishment of a skibidocracy?"
  7. Break from the twitter questions, favourite colour? I promise this doesn't link how you think it does
  8. Back to the twitter questions, we've got two in one, lucky you! "Do you like big butts? Can you lie?"
  9. Ninth question, we're almost there! I think you've had a good mix of both, so whose questions were better?
  10. Final question, we've gone through a long and arduous journey but we're finally here. This is it. So; What's your position on good things?

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Quiz topic: General Election 2024: What Party should I vote for?
