GamingWithStella Quiz

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Do u know think u know or wanna know how much YOU know about Stella? Take this quiz and find out!!!! I’m sure if ur in the gamer squad and subscribed u will know a lot!

There are 11 questions some easy For gamer fans, some hard for people who just started watching! But I bet you will do good! Or shall I say AMAZING!!!!!!

Created by: Stella
  1. Who else has been on my channel
  2. In what Minecraft vid did I finish first place in?
  3. What was my first vid about?
  4. What was my old channel name called?
  5. What candy did the other person on my video eat for the taste test challenge?
  6. What was my first Minecraft vid?
  7. What did the other person on my channel make most of there vids on?
  8. What is my last name?
  9. What was my 2nd vid about?
  10. What vid did I make on vacation?
  11. Are u subscribed?

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