Circus group RP
Thread Topic: Circus group RP
‘Yes, yes, good! Good mindsets, people!’ Casimir exclaimed, trying to sound upbeat as he tapped his cane on the ground and chucked his hat onto a table. His crow flew down from upstairs and swooped Kai, then perched on a curtain pole at the end of the room, watching over them like a predator with prey. The only one it didn’t seem hostile to was Casimir.
‘Positive thoughts, everyone, positive thoughts,’ Casimir said, laughing nervously as he chucked the cane he didn’t need but carried around for unclear reasons to Eloise and sat down in an armchair, crossing his ankles, then his legs, then deciding on standing again. ‘You all seem rather tense today, huh? What’s goin’ on?’ -
"Nothing-" Eloise blurted out rather quickly, looking up. "I just felt like my- my routine wasn't on point today," they spoke with a nervous chuckle, rubbing their hands together for a moment before crossing their arms. "You know me, always fretting over the small stuff," they continued, more quietly this time, looking away again.
Kai looked at Casimirs crow, then toward Eloise and Casimir. "If you all would excuse me." He stood up and held his top hat tightly. He needed to take a moment to breathe. From his perspective, all of the objects and people were melding together. His heart started to beat faster in his chest, and he felt it would be best for the others not to witness him having a panic attack. He made his way out of view, and headed to his show car.
His show car was nothing too fancy. Something that just got him from Point A to Point B. He stepped up onto the singular step that let to the inside and opened the door. He took a deep breath, and closed his eyes. You are fine. This is real. Casimir is real. Eloise is real. Juniper is real. He stepped inside his show car, closing the door behind him. To his left was his bedroom area, and to his right was a small desk with a leather bound journal, an ink well and an old-fashioned feather pen. If there was anything Kai loved, it was feather pens and ink. He opened the journal, and started to write. -
* led)
What's wrong with him? they thought, watching him leave. Juniper turned back to Eloise, seeking to reassure them.
"the audience didn't know that, they loved your performance." Juniper mustered up a smile that to them must have seemed so fake. "Casimir, you don't feel the weirdness in the circus?" Juniper left the minor detail out that they had been having dreams of the circus's impending doom, but they decided it wasn't very important. "Never mind- I've just been having bad headaches." juniper looked down, pain from their eyes echoing throughout their skull. -
‘Weirdness? There no… Y’know what, I’ll tell you all when Kai comes back,’ Casimir said. ‘Just, um, not now.’ He walked to the stairs, grabbing his cane again, and laughed nervously. ‘Um, I’ll see you all later!’
He ran up the stairs. A few minutes passed. Casimir was in his room, mind whirling as he paced, trying not to cry. He threw his cane across the room. It slammed against the wall and clattered to the ground, the noise audible from downstairs. He grabbed a chair and threw it. It slammed down. Casimir banged his head against the wall, groaning. He grabbed the pillow off his bed and slammed it against the wall. ‘f---ing hell!’ he shouted. ‘Not today, not tomorrow! Please, God, not ever!’ -
Eloise watched Casimir walk off nervously, wringing their hands together. f---, he can definitely tell something's wrong- I think we all can, their mind whispered and they looked around anxiously, exhaling shakily. "I need some air," they murmured as they turned, walking off.
(just a heads up a may disappear for a few days, going on vacation and may not have access to gtq!
i'll hopefully be back by friday evening if i don't end up hopping on at any point before lol) -
(I hope you have a good vacation!)
Kai started the journal off as he did every time with today's date, and the current time. He continued to write the following:
Hello journal, me again. Today's performance went great, but the illusions and my perception of reality keeps getting worse with each passing day. I can feel something is off, and I think the others can as well. I'm not sure what's going on exactly, but all of us have never been this uneasy before. I can only hope that this will get better with time, but as each day passes I grow more and more wary of what might happen to me, my friends and this circus. I can't help but have this feeling that something bad is going to happen. I hope it's just another one of my incorrect perceptions. That's all for now.
Kai stood up from the desk and stretched. Writing in the journal seemed to help ease some of his nerves at least. He walked back to the door of his trailer, and headed back outside. It seemed like the sky was dark, but he could hear some crickets chirping in the background. He sat on the step of his show car and smiled. It was the peaceful moments like these that he enjoyed the most. -
Juniper watched as they all left and sighed. that wasnt weird at all they walked to their trailer and quietly shut the door to avoid any more irritation to their head. they glanced at their bed, considering sleep for a moment before they remembered the nightmares that always came with it. they wiped off the stage makeup and changed into something a little more casual. they sighed, then sat down on the bed and thought. Casimere does know what's happening. I'm not entirely sure but... I'm hoping my visions aren't real.
Casimir buried his face in his hands, trying to calm down. He exhaled shakily.
He picked up a wooden piece from a ground, a remnant from his chair, and threw it at the window. The glass shattered. His crow flew out the window, leaving him to have his breakdown alone. The noise of things breaking would’ve been audible from downstairs.
Casimir sat down on his bed, clasping his hands together. ‘It’s okay, I’m okay, we’re okay,’ he mumbled, trying to calm down. ‘Nothing’s going to happen, we’re okay.’ He knew it wasn’t true, but he needed to shut his brain up. He rubbed his temples and grabbed his pillow, hugging it and burying his face in it.
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