What are you doing in my house???
Thread Topic: What are you doing in my house???
"because it's not a dungeon you have no right to be here. You're trespassing on private property." Roth said angrily. Normally he'd be a bit better natured in this situation but he was too busy worrying about the fact he was unemployed to be nice. He put away the health potion and twitched his fingers. Roth knew a pretty good spell to kick out this random homeless kid, but he knew it would probably not be ideal to use in plain sight. He cursed himself for his impulsiveness
"So? Since when did anyone care about the 'law'?" they used air quotations. "i just want to crash here for a bit, relax, you're no fun."
they just thought he was lucky they didnt burn down the house or rob it or something, there did seem to be lots of valuable items here that could go for some good money. money that charlie needed. -
"you're interrupting my relaxation lounging around in my house. I'm warning you, I'm a certified alchemist." Roth said as he clenched his fist. This person was not listening to his reasoning. He was very close to escalating the situation but he knew it could be bad. He took a deep breath. He reminded himself that forbidden magic was forbidden for a reason.
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