@Blue of the clue
Thread Topic: @Blue of the clue
I still don't really have many ideas for one, not having slept much the past days doesn't help lol
I'll come up with a plot! In a class right now!!!
Alright blue!
Posting soon!
In a world that had been devastating by nuclear warfare, C1 tries to make the best of things. The area they were in got picked apart by scavengers, but they are trying to do their best with what they were given.
C2 joined up with a group of scavengers when the nuclear fallout happened. They git to see the forefront of the mess that was left behind. How some people were turned into rabid monsters. How most wild life deterioted, along with the water supply. One day C2 meets C1 while on a raid with their group and they have to make a choice, let this person live and depart from the scavengers, or will they do the unthinkable?
What do you think? -
Sounds good, buds.
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