@Blue of the clue
Thread Topic: @Blue of the clue
(Could you? Or I could when I wake. About to sleep here.)
Athena wandered the outskirts of the town. There were about fifteen others that came along for this trip. Unlike the others, they were traversing new terrain, and in a new city. She had seen one to many times where someone thought they were going to barge right into an area they thought no one was in, just to end up dead seconds later. More than likely what was going to happen is they were going to send in their scouting team. This would be her and three others. They would do the poking and prodding around, just in case anything or anyone was in range. Next would come the actual scavengers. The people who would tear everything apart just to see if something had value to it. Then last but not least was the clean up crew. If anyone or anything happened to be in the way during the scout, the clean up crew would dispose of it.
(Hate when I have something fully typed and accidentally hit the previous page button thing on the phone.)
Tegan gathered up the few supplies that she had left remaining, which was not very much. Barely a bottle of water, and two old cans of tuna she had managed to find three days ago when she came across a supermarket. She didn't dare remain there though, places like that were sure to host trouble. Besides, it had already been run clean when she had found it. Tegan glanced to the sky, the bright sun beating down upon the ground, so it was past midday more than likely. Making sure she had everything collected, what she had anyway, she slung her backpack across her back ready to leave her current location and hopefully find more water somewhere else, which, hopefully, would be drinkable. -
(I did that, and I was so upset at myself ðŸ˜)
Athena stood at the main road that went through the city. It was her and a man named Carlos. They were to go toward the center of the city and see if they could find anything. If they did, she had a flare gun that was in her bag. All she had to do was pull it out, and shoot it toward the sky. That would be the signal for everyone to come to her location. She took a deep breath and look at Carlos, and he nodded. The both started to run down the road that was before them. The buildings here looked half-demolished, and so far there were no signs of life. Just at a glance, it looked like this place had already been picked clean, which wasn't good news for them. Athena took deeps breaths, and focused on the rhythm of her footfalls and the pace Carlos was setting beside her. Before she knew it, they had reached an intersection. "I head left, you head right?" She asked, as Carlos just nodded his head in agreement.
Athena turned to her left, and looked at the array of buildings that were in front of her. She could tell some of them used to be supermarkets and your run-of-the-mill retail outlets. She took off at a slight jog, and kept an eye out for any movement. -
Tegan double checked around her just to be sure all she had was in her pack, only seeing old and broken glass, books, clothes, and things of the like. "I better get going." She quietly said to herself, grabbing a worn out golf club just in case. Which could double as a stick if she found some meat and a fire.
She began to exit through the doorway, peeking through the halfway broken door to make sure the coast was clear. Not seeing anything, she opened it up, and stepped out. Looking high in the sky, she grinned, spotting a bird way above passing by. Probably found itself some food, if she had to guess. Maybe it'll lead her to something. She made note of the direction it was heading and decided to see if it might lead her to something. -
It wasn't long before Athena saw a shape in the distance. Is that.....a survivor? She thought to herself. She hadn't seen anther person outside of the this group in a while. She felt her heart race in her chest. If it was a survivor, what would she do? She couldn't go to the other scavengers. She knew what they would do, and she personally wouldn't wish that on anyone. She also knew that if this was a survivor, what chance would both of them have of booking it out of this place without getting caught. Athena already knew that the city was essentially surrounded on all sides. She inhaled and shook her head. Maybe she was getting ahead of herself. Maybe the shape in front of her was a figment of her imagination. That had been known to happen once or twice.
She kept pushing forward, until the figure was clear in her sight, and she stopped moving in disbelief. It was another survivor. "Holy s---.." She muttered to herself. She didn't know what to do, but whatever it was she had to think fast. -
(* another, * the group)
Tegan carefully maneuvered around the surroundings, keeping an eye out to make sure she didn't accidentally step onto any sharp glass or loose metal that could impale her feet. She froze as she thought she had heard something in the distance, but as her eyes roamed around the surroundings all she saw were the old buildings and loose scrap scattering the grounds. She would keep an eye out though, she felt like she was being watched, and that was a bad feeling given how if she was, there is no telling what who it may be would do. Her grip tightened around the golf club, and she carefully continued down the street.
Before Athena could think, the person disappeared from her sight. What was she going to do? She kept walking forward, the bits of gravel from the road slightly crunching beneath her boots. As she walked, she took her back-pack off and held it in front of her. She opened it, and pulled out an average sized dagger. The handle was made from red, green and yellow dyed wood that surprisingly worked together. On both sides of the blade Egyptian hieroglyphs were carved into the side. She had found this knife about a month ago in an decrepit trailer, and she fell in love with it. The only time she had ever had to use it was animals. She didn't want to use it today, but if she had too, she would. She closed the bag and slung it back over her shoulder, as she slowly caught up to the individual from before. She was close enough to make out the golf club, and Athena nodded. If anything happened, it would prove to be interesting in the least. She knew she couldn't kill this person, so hopefully she could talk to them.
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