Angel Duo roleplay
Thread Topic: Angel Duo roleplay
"It was fine, I guess," Tommy replied, shrugging a little. "Didn't talk to him much-"
Phil nods, laughing quietly. "Sounds about right... You can go get ready for dinner, go clean up for now."
Tommy nodded, running a hand through his hair as he walked off.
Phil continues working on his soup, while Techno prepares that deer up.
Tommy walked over to the sink and turned it on, washing off his hands.
*Phil finishes the soup and starts scooping out bowls.*
Tommy walked back over, watching Phil for a moment before taking one of the bowls.
*Techno walks inside to work on making the meat ready to eat.*
*Phil looks at Techno, nodding as he dishes himself and Techno some soup.* -
Tommy hummed quietly as he walked into the living room, sitting down on the couch and starting to eat his soup.
*Techno settles down soon after to eat his soup as well.*
Tommy crossed his legs in his spot, leaning back
against the couch as he continued eating his soup. -
The each eat their soup, with Techno finishing first.
Tommy hummed softly as he stared at the fireplace, zoning out as he took another bite of his soup.
Techno cleans up and goes back to readying the deer.
Tommy exhaled softly as he continued to eat his soup, leaning further back in his seat.
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