Angel Duo roleplay
Thread Topic: Angel Duo roleplay
Tommy watched Techno for another moment before nodded, letting go of Phil and standing. He hugged his cloaks tighter around him before following after Techno, slowly catching up to him.
Techno looks down at Tommy. ".. Hi."
"Mind if I uh, join you?" Tommy asked awkwardly, moving to his side.
Techno shrugs slightly. "Fine." And keeps watching it
walking* (wtf)
Tommy nodded shortly, following after Technoblade. -
Techno sighs, muttering to you, "Why do you want to join me, anyway?"
"I dunno- Phil suggested it," Tommy replied, shrugging a little.
Techno grunts lowly, slowing down so you can keep up.
"Right..." -
Tommy crossed his arms over his chest, rubbing his cloaks against his arms to warm up a little as he walked.
Techno settles down beside a tree, preparing his ax quickly.
Tommy watched Techno quietly, leaning against a nearby tree.
Techno watches out for any animal that may pass by, quiet the whole time.
Tommy watched for a moment, getting bored quickly. He sighed softly and stood, turning around and staring up at the tree to see if it was good to climb.
Techno glances at Tommy, following his gaze.
... "Seems safe enough. Go ahead. Maybe you'll chase something down."
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