Angel Duo roleplay
Thread Topic: Angel Duo roleplay
Tommy glanced over at Techno and nodded, turning back to the tree and climbing up.
Techno watches out for any animals, sitting in the snow dead-quiet.
Tommy quietly climbed up higher in the tree, soon making his way up close to the top.
Techno eventually sees a deer, slowly getting up for it.
Tommy hummed quietly as he settled himself on a high up tree branch, holding onto a branch above him as he admired the scenery.
Techno, swiftly, dodges around and kills the deer as efficiently as he can.
Tommy glanced over, grimacing a little as he caught sight of Techno killing the deer. He exhaled softly, looking away again.
Techno pulls the deer over and begins to gut it.
Tommy hummed softly as he looked up, moving to stand and climbing up the tree a little more.
*Techno finishes gutting it out, muttering aloud,* "We're getting deer for dinner."
Tommy hugged onto the tree as he stared out in the distance, losing himself in his thoughts.
*Techno lays there for a while, cleaning himself off as best as he can.*
Tommy soon left his thoughts, looking around for a moment before spotting Techno. He exhaled softly, starting to climb down the tree.
Techno glances at Tommy. "Let's go."
Tommy nodded, finally reaching the ground and following after Techno.
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