Lavender and Maeve
Thread Topic: Lavender and Maeve
(We’ll make it after then so we know why Maeve is being weird about it)
The two walked through the streets when the paparazzi found them. Maeve’s grip on Lavender’s hand tightened. -
(ok cool)
Lavender wasn't quite sure what was happening at the time, she just heard a bunch of fast talking from a girl with a notepad, cameras flashing, and felt Maeve's hand tighten. She pulled her closer, giving her a concerned look. -
‘f---ing hell,’ Maeve muttered, walking faster. ‘C’mon, we’ll take the long way back to the castle.’
Lavender followed her quickly. So did the paparazzi.
Maeve grumbled a variety of curse words under her breath as they walked. 'Go away!' she shouted at the paparazzi, thinking that maybe they would.
They didn't, they just acted as though she didn't say anything. "So tell us, what's the deal with you two?" One of the journalists asked as they walked.
‘The deal? What deal?’ Maeve frowned, walking faster.
"Are you two, y'know... an item?"
Lavender looked at Maeve, holding her hand tighter.
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