Lavender and Maeve
Thread Topic: Lavender and Maeve
"First off, that's the cheesiest thing I've ever heard you say, and second off, you're worth talking about too!"
‘Yeah, well, I like cheese,’ Maeve huffed.
Lavender burst into laughter. "What?"
Lavender rolled her eyes. "Well, I think you're worth talking about too."
‘That’s so parmesan-y.’
"You're parmesan-y!" Lavender giggled.
‘No, I’m cheddar-y!’
"Fine, I guess you're cheddar-y." Lavender rolled her eyes.
Maeve giggled, pulling her closer. ‘Exactly.’
Lavender chuckled, leaning into her.
Maeve kissed her forehead.
Lavender blushed, snuggling closer to her.
Maeve grinned.
Lavender smiled back.
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