Lavender and Maeve
Thread Topic: Lavender and Maeve
Lavender glared before getting a smirk. "I bet if I flustered you enough, you'd stop arguing with me~"
Maeve blushed. ‘Of course not-‘
Lavender sat up. "Alright, challenge accepted, princess." She held her closer.
Maeve snuggled close. ‘You’re so pretty and beautiful and way more prettier than meee.’
"You're delusional~" Lavender kissed her quickly. "You're the prettiest, end of story."
Maeve blushed bright red. ‘I- N- Wh- No!’
Lavender nodded, kissing the top of her head. "Yup."
"Mhm." Lavender smirked. "You're so cute when you blush~"
‘Sh-shut up!’
"Why should I? I'm just talking about how amazing you are~" Lavender smiled innocently.
‘I-I’m not amazing.’
"Are you serious?" Lavender put a pause on being overly flirty for a minute.
‘Yeah. Not nearly as amazing as you.’
Lavender frowned, shaking her head. "Bulls---. You're incredible."
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