Lavender and Maeve
Thread Topic: Lavender and Maeve
‘You’re incredible!’
"Not nearly as incredible as you're making it seem." Lavender chuckled, holding her close.
‘Oh, shush:’
"You shush. I don't want you to think you're not amazing ever again." Lavender kissed her nose.
‘I’m still thinking it.
Lavender held her closer. "Do you really think you're not amazing? Or is it just that you're don't think you're amazing compared to me?"
‘Both, I guess.’
Lavender frowned, holding her closer. "Maeve, you're awesomely and insanely amazing."
Maeve blushed. ‘No you.’
"This isn't about me, it's about you being an incredible person."
‘So are you!’
"We're not talking about me right now!" Lavender chuckled.
‘I am!’
"Why?" Lavender leaned into her.
‘Because you’re worth talking about.’
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