Lavender and Maeve
Thread Topic: Lavender and Maeve
‘Hey. You okay?’
"Yeah, yeah I'm great. There was just a-a knot in your hair, so it was harder to braid it, but it's fine now." Lavender kept smiling.
Maeve frowned slightly, snuggling closer. She pecked Lavender’s cheek. ‘You sure?’ -
(hell yeah)
"Yeah, of course." Lavender lied, holding her close. "Don't worry about me." -
Lavender kissed her nose, smiling.
Maeve blushed.
Lavenders' smile became a bit more genuine.
Maeve smiled.
Lavender held her close.
Maeve let her.
Lavender kissed the top of her head.
Maeve let her.
Lavender smiled, trying to squash all the insecure thoughts about her and Maeve out of existence.
‘You sure you’re okay?’
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