Lavender and Maeve
Thread Topic: Lavender and Maeve
Maeve played with her hair.
Lavender beamed. She leaned into Maeve.
Maeve let her happily.
Lavender grinned, glad that Maeve seemed so happy. "Which restaurant are we planning on?"
‘One just down the street.’
"Okay, sounds good."
Maeve nodded.
Lavender watched her for a moment, grinning.
Maeve beamed.
Lavender noticed her reaction, blushing slightly. "What're you so happy about?" She chuckled.
‘Because I’m here with you~’
(Maeve the rizzler) -
Lavender blushed bright red, praying to god that Maeve didn't notice. "Oh- that's-well uh... Thanks." Nice going, idiot.
(please never say rizzler again oml) -
Maeve chuckled nervously.
(Aw why notttt) -
"I'm really-uh- really happy you're with me, too." Lavender gave a sheepish smile.
(bc you sound like a gen alpha) -
Maeve blushed, grinning dorkily. ‘That’s, um, good.’
(That’s the point
What am I supposed to say “Maeve the charismatic flirt woman”)
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