King x Gardener
- Locked due to inactivity on Feb 18, '25 3:54am
Thread Topic: King x Gardener
C1 is the prince/princess of a large, wealthy kingdom. They are continuously proposed to by the opposite gender (or gender they're "supposed" to be attracted to) but bored out of their mind by these dukes/duchesses. C2, the son of their gardener who has fallen ill, has taken their father's place as the gardener. C2's family is poor and relies on the income they get from the palace. C2 tries to get C1 to notice them, and when they finally do, they both start falling for each other. Will family problems, kingdom controversies and crazy exes get in between them?What happens when C1's strict mother/father, the king/queen, finds out about their secret relationship?
Anyone can join, idrc lol. Preferably someone I'm not in a bunch of rps with, but idm. I can be either charaters -
(i would liketh to join, tho we do have a few other rps together lol-
i honestly dunno if i can/want to start the one based off that spotify story, purely bc i feel like it’ll end like our first one we had ^^’) -
Sure, you can join lol
thats fair enough, me neither tbh
which char do you want? -
(i kinda wanna be the gardener lol u^u)
alrighty, go ahead lol
i'll make my character hopefully before the end of school -
(kk :)
i may end up doing it tomorrow, idk lol) -
alrighty lol
also i was thinking this be set in the oLdEn DaYs bc i think it would fit better -
(lol sure yeah :))
oki heres the character sheet:
Gender & pronouns:
Other: -
Name: Casimir "Cassy" B. Arthur
Gender & pronouns: Male, he/him
Appearence: (halfway through making this I was like "oh s--- i mad him hot" lmao)
Personality: Rather rude in some ways, tends to keep to himself and not socialise. He's very blunt and perceived as rude, but really he just couldn't give a f---. He likes poetry and writing. He's very sensitive around those he cares about, and when he falls in love he falls hard. He doesn't tend to show he cares unless he's very close with someone. Also some days he just goes mute which tends to be a problem for his parents
Disabilities/Conditions: GAD, leukocoria in one eye
Skills: Poetry, writing, archery
Weaknesses: Most forms of visual arts, sword fighting, handling human emotions, not being burnt out
Other: tbd -
Name: georgie s. clark.
Gender & pronouns: afab, genderfluid (he/she/they/it).
Personality: very outgoing, has “slight” anger issues, swears like a sailor, comedic genius, very into physical touch (hugging/holding hands, etc.), a realist, dark humor, looks straight but is ✨hella gay✨, ambiverted (more extroverted), very kind and generous.
Disabilities/Conditions: adhd, dyslexia, missing a leg (has a metal prosthetic).
Skills: sword-fighting, but her prosthetic makes it difficult sometimes, great painter and gardener, good horseback rider.
Weaknesses: has a bit of a temper, but really only gets mad at injustices, bad at reading, a bit too trusting, too generous, a little gullible.
Other: just wants help their family. -
Ooo slay. I’ll do the starting paragraph.
Casimir was sat at his desk, writing in his journal. It was a leather journal with a compass engraved on the front. The pages were rough and slightly yellowed, full with poems and things stuck to the pages; flowers, snippets of letters, leaves. Just an hour before a girl had proposed to him in the throne room. She was the Duchess of a nearby kingdom; pretty, but not his type. He didn’t know what his type was, to be frank, but not her. Or most of the girls offered to him.
Casimir eventually got too tired. It was around afternoon. He put a disk in his record player and turned the volume up. Classical music started playing, and he crashed onto his bed, setting his reading glasses on his bedside table. -
Georgie walked through the castle halls with some of their gardening equipment in hand, admiring and inspecting all the large plants in their pots and bouquets of flowers on small tables. He hummed softly as he walked with a hint of a limp, due to their prosthetic making their leg ache a little that morning, occasionally watering some of the plants or cutting off dead limbs, They bad started the job as head gardener not too long ago, as their father had to step down temporarily.
Casimir pulled the blankets up over his head, listening to the violin. He sighed softly. At least he had no more duties today. He could rest for the remainder of the afternoon. Then he had to see his family for dinner and pretend he was happy. He rubbed his face with his hands, trying to zone out, but the blankets kept scratching his leg just as he got comfortable.
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