How to feel
Thread Topic: How to feel
Harley nodded. "Agreed." She then got mad at herself for agreeing with someone she wasn't sure she even remotely liked.
"I guess it does get kind of loud. I know I don't help that. Everyone says I'm annoying." Bee said. Bee was fairly aware of how she was annoying but she didn't like when people told her
Billie looked between them as they spoke, unsure how to add to the conversation, so he didn’t.
"I mean, you kinda are-" Onyx said bluntly, watching the girl. "But you're less annoying than other people I know, so-"
Harley nodded in agreement, sitting down on the dirt.
"it's not nice to say that. I know I'm annoying but it's not nice to tell people they're annoying. Especially if they twist their ankle all the way around to stop you from getting in trouble with the head of the orphanage." Bee said, rubbing her most likely broken ankle.
Billie sat back down too, holding Emit in his lap. He grabbed a fistful of dirt and watched it seep from the cracks between his fingers. ‘If I tell the head Emit has lice, do you think the girl will leave him alone?’ he said, not really listening to the others’ conversation.
"I don't think sprained ankles look like that normally," Onyx commented, gesturing to Bee's ankle. "Looks worse than a sprain-"
Harley looked over at Billie. "Maybe..."
"she'd take him away. Say that you have a skin condition, it'll work for at least a little while. As for my ankle Marta says for my sake I should hope it's sprained. If it's broken she's not gonna be happy. She'll probably lock me in the basement." Bee said. She made an angry face thinking about the basement. Bee knew it was wrong to lock people in basements.
‘Okay.’ Billie supposed that would work, since he had a few blisters on his arms and legs. He tugged his coat tighter around him. ‘I don’t like basements’
(s--- my b lol)
"Dang, why?" Onyx asked with furrowed brows, watching Bee. -
(alg man)
Harley frowned, watching Billie. "Why not? They're just basements." She assumed he lived in a house with a still-being built basement with the pink foamy stuff at the ceiling, and wooden debris everywhere before coming here, and that's why he didn't like them. -
"are your basements stinky and hard to breathe in too?" Bee asked. Bee took her hands off of her ankle as it started to burn.
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