Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
(i'd write smth super cringe but there are boys in the row behind me ;-;)
Chester started his dessert as well. -
(Lmao I get that xD wRiTe tHe cRinGe tHo)
"I love you." Jayden murmured before taking another bite of his eclair. -
(aGh FiNe)
Chester smiled softly. 'Love you too.' -
(đź‘Źđź‘Źđź‘Ź gOOd jOb)
Jayd blushed, grinning. -
(f--- yOu)
Chester stood and kissed him. -
(wHaTeVer :P)
Jayden blushed harder, closing his eyes. -
Chester grabbed both his hands.
Jayd eventually broke the kiss, smiling.
Chester looked at him. He smiled.
Jayden squeezed his hand. grinning.
Chester kissed his neck.
Jayd blushed, smiling.
Chester smiled. 'Love you so much.'
"Love you too, beautiful."
Chester grinned. He kissed Jayden's forehead and sat back down.
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