Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayden watched the two of them, not saying anything.
‘About The East?’
His father raised an eyebrow. ‘No, with Maeve’s grades. What about The East?’
Chester looked down. ‘What happened to you and Mother may have gotten out to the public.’ -
His father looked stunned. "Oh."
Jayden grimaced. -
Chester fidgeted with his hands.
"Well... are you planning on denying it?"
‘I don’t know. How many people do you think would believe someone like me over someone like Jayden’s brother?’
"Why would they believe him? He wasn't there."
‘Because a murderer would never admit to being one. And half my kingdom hates me because I’m dating Jayden, they need something to hold against me to try and get me out of power.’
His father gave a small nod, frowning. "You could get your friends as witnesses, but I suppose that'd make it feel rigged."
Chester nodded, sighing.
"Could you be a witness?" Jayden blurted.
Chester’s father arched an eyebrow. ‘Me?’
‘… I suppose it’s worth trying, if it does get to that point.’
Jayden gave a small nod. "Thanks."
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