Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
‘Yes! Very possible!’ Chester said.
"Nope! I missed you so much- do you realize how empty my castle felt?"
Chester chuckled, snuggling close to him. ‘No, I don’t.’
"It was so empty." Jayden complained into his shoulder.
Chester smiled, raking his fingers through his hair. ‘What did you do all day without me?’ he asked in a teasing voice.
"I had to do work." Jayd huffed. "It was awful. I missed you."
Chester laughed. ‘Yeah, you’d rather be blowing things up or something,’ he said, booping his nose. ‘I missed you too.’
"Not my fault blowing things up is fun." Jayden chuckled, leaning into him.
Chester rolled his eyes, kissing his nose. ‘Oh god, what did you get up to?’
"Nothing. Unfortunately. Although a pen DID explode in my hand once, but that's pretty normal so..."
‘I think I’ve mellowed you out,’ Chester said with a grin, ruffling his hair. ‘You should’ve exploded it in Astrid’s face. Can you tell me what he said now?’
"But then I wouldn't be allowed to come here. I've got to be on my best behavior if I want to visit so abruptly." Jayden chuckled, kissing him. He hoped to avoid the last question.
Chester blushed. He kissed him back, pulling him closer. The thought about Astrid nagged in the back of his mind, but he ignored it.
Jayden closed his eyes, scooting closer to Chester.
Chester deepened the kiss, then broke it after a few moments more. ‘I love you.’
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