``We are the freaks``
Thread Topic: ``We are the freaks``
"Does it count as being moody if he's moody all the time? Sounds more like he's just grumpy if you ask me."
'He's just a generally angry cat.'
Alvin and Eli nodded. "Always angry." Alvin agreed.
'Fair enough,' Callum chuckled.
Avin nodded again before curling up into a ball.
'We're gonna need to do something about his anger issues.'
"I don't think they give cats anger management tools in the real world..." Eli pointed out.
'This is not the real world, Eli. It is Freak Land.'
"Do cats have anger management tools here?" Eli questioned. "Because I don't know if we can bring a talking cat to a therapy session."
'I dunno. Ask my mum.' Callum frowned. 'How long have they been talking down there?'
"Too long." Eli shrugged. "Moms normally talk for ages though, so it might just be a normal chat for them."
'Fair enough. Should we go check, though?'
"Sure." Eli stood up. "Alvin, want to come?"
Alvin thought for a moment. 'No.'
"Alright." Eli opened the door.
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