1x1 Warriors RP
Thread Topic: 1x1 Warriors RP
She decided to look for the one who wasn't in the tree, sincerely hoping that they weren't both up there. She hated trees, hated, hated, hated climbing trees.
Seedpaw let out a small, hardly audible sigh of relief as Sproutgrowth made no move to climb the tree.
She followed the other scent trail, which seemed to lead to water. Smart. Because now there was no more scent to follow... where would a cat hide in water? Her eyes darted to the reeds.
Flowerpaw was crouched amongst the thickest reeds she could find, shuddering in disgust when she saw a frog staring at her.
Spice why you staring at her huh huh huh))
She got into the water, trying and failing at making no sound as she crashed into the reeds with a small hiss at they way they poked her fur. -
Flowerpaw had an idea and poked the frog with her claw. Spice the frog launched itself directly at Sproutgrowth's face to avoid getting pricked. -
Sproutgrowth jumped back as a ball of something living and moving and slimy hit her face. She reached out to poke it with a claw. -
Spice let out an unholy loud croak and went flying into the water with a loud and slimy sploosh. -
Her face was covered in slime. "All right which one of you threw it at me." She called, not expecting an answer.
Flowerpaw cringed under the reeds. Her butt was soooo going to be kicked.
Hahaha >:) ))
She shoved her way through the reeds, stepping on one of Spice the frog's cousins on the way. "AND WHO'S LAYING SLIMY TRAPS FOR ME TO TRY AND REPEL ME AWAY." -
Flowerpaw shrank against the water, praying she wouldn't be seen. -
She stomped her way through the reeds, going into the thickest parts before seeing a soaked furball crouching down in the water. -
"Hi," Flowerpaw said with a nervous chuckle. "Please don't kill me."
Sproutgrowth eyed her in mock anger. "Did you throw slime balls at me?"
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