Apart from the apartment remake (again)
Thread Topic: Apart from the apartment remake (again)
Dawn Of Dusk saw the winged fellow leave and was curious about the being but decided to stand back a little. He began to hear jets in the distance In which normally Jets and him would end up not so friendly due to his last few conflicts with Aerial fights have been between Pulmorsa Jets and him. He looked at Katherine and asked a question "Out of curiosity got any drastic fears?"
Flonz saw the tail and just chuckled. He realized she was a demon but he never really judged people by species. "Wow, Demon I see, quite neat. You probably would wanna keep that hidden from an everyday angel" He chuckled. Of course, Him and Dawn Of Dusk are Fighting a different war.
Revenger found the glass orb on top of the workbench and grabbed it "The names Ralph Vaulture but they call me Revenger. I'm the Blacksmith and owner of this apartment. I assume you're my new room mate If I'm correct?" He said Fitting the orb inside the Broadsword.
Stallcost came out of the Bathroom hiddenly injecting whiskey from a needle into his veins. "Oh you must be the one I'm rooming with," He said with a Slight smile looking at Pharaoh. -
"Well..I have a fear of storms and light."Katherine said as she shudders.
Dark Katherine's eyes went wide and made her tail disappear. -
Archaios heard the jets and went to investigate, his eyes glowing
Pheonix smirked and nodded "yep" she said before looking at tge blafe curiously "whatcha doin?
Pharaoh stared at him emotionlessly as tge crystals returned to them and disolved in to dust, their eyes glowing for a moment before they nodded "that is correct. I am Pharaoh. I would assume that you are Stallcost." -
Dawn Of Dusk saw Katherine shudder and he spoke "storms is a common one but as for light that's a new one. I have a fear of jets and a specific organization." He could smell burning plastic which was the same scent That Pulmorsa gives off.
Flonz smiled innocently at Dark Katherine, "But I don't mind I mean, I don't judge while Dawn Of Dusk is more of a warrior against The mortal Pulmorsa groups." He said with a look of a satisfied child. His blue eyes turned into an electric blue color.
Revenger noticed her curiosity and smiled "Just finishing up a broadsword for the angel in the lobby. We kinda are fighting the same war" He said chuckling as he polished the orb.
Stallcost walked up to Pharaoh and held out his hand "Your assumption is correct and I am considered the one who has looked out for the leader of the Apartment who is also my brother. While he looks out for the apartment and island himself.
Meanwhile, over on the other side the island there was Pulmorsa jets with broken wings falling and hitting the ground but unfortunately, they did not explode so the pilots survived but were nowere visible. -
Katherine nodded her head in understanding"I see."
Dark Katherine smiled a bit and nodded her head"So he might not take me being a demon lightly." -
Archaios followed the jets and landed near them after they crashed, looking around curiously
Pheonix changed in to a secretary bird as she watched him "war? Against who?"
Pharaoh nodded in understanding as they shook his hand before pausing and tilting his head slightly. He lifted a hand and a few crystals formed before darting out of the room -
Dawn Of Dusk looked into the distance his eyes could see very little due to the darkness in the air but he saw some flickering lights that looked like they came from a machine. "The group is called the AUORC, Also known as the Anti-Unknown Research Corporation," He said as he stared intently at the lights.
Flonz Chuckled a bit at Dark Katherine "Nah, he doesn't judge on species. He actually has been defending demons and angels alike because of how Pulmorsa may hurt Angels the most, it hurts demons and elementists like Revenger as well.
Revenger finished polishing the sword and Spoke "Elementist like I and my Family call it The Great War. It has put us against a chemical capable of killing the unkillable" He took the sword and held it out checking the length "perfect," He said with a smile. he loved his passion he had for smithing and medieval weaponry.
Stallcost Saw the Crystals dart out. Slightly confused but he Took a look out his window and saw a deer About Four to five miles away which is farther than the average human eye can see. He took his Sniper next to the window and aimed.
As for the wreck, The jets pilots were already on the very opposite end of the island. They were sure to set up camp for the night and be ready for the next morning. -
Katherine looked at the light as she folded her arms across her chest,a slight dull expression on her face."My best friend...was taken.."She muttered,her eyes glowing a bright red.
Dark Katherine nodded her head"I see."
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