Apart from the apartment remake (again)
Thread Topic: Apart from the apartment remake (again)
throw em at me lol
Archaios- -
something tells me archaios and Dawn Of Dusk might be either be a pair of good freinds or enemies. lol
ok Ill start
Dawn Of Dusk was walking around the apartment talking to Revenger about smithing his friend a new broadsword. Inside The Front Desk was sleeping with his head on the desk. five minutes later Dawn Of Dusk and Revenger walked in. Dawn Of Dusk didn't shut up so Revenger turned and spoke. "Could you shut your trap?! its late and I'm tired! Please leave me the hell alone." Revenger then walked off to his room as Dawn Of Dusk turned around "ya dont have to be a jerk about it." he mumbled.
"Well,you were bothering him with the constant talking so I understand why he's being a jerk to you.."Dark Katherine mused out as she folded her arms.Katherine rolled her eyes and huffs"I'd probably say the same thing if I came back tired as hell."
Pheonix walked inside and blinked "what happened?" she asked in confusion, tilting her head to the side before shrugging, deciding she didnt really give a f--- about it. She paused and looked over her shoulder before cursing and darting back outside, realising she had lost Pharaoh at some point and she really needed to find the gender confused telepath before they started dissecting things again
Dawn Of Dusk Gave a glare to Dark Katherine and walked out passing his pal Flonz who was a young angel who looked up to Dawn Of Dusk as a Mentor. He decided to walk into the Apartment and when he did, he saw the two girls off to the side. he hid in his armor unsure about what the people thought of angels. He felt a bit bashful around the spot so he sat on the couch by himself. turned an electric-like blue color.
*he hid his wings in his armor
Dark Katherine chuckles in amusement and then noticed Flonz,giving him a slight smile.Katherine tilted her head to the side.
Pheonix soon spotted her twin and grabbed their hand, quickly pulling them in to the apartment. Pharaoh blinked once at Pheonix before looking around silently "is this the place?" they asked, their voice some how managing to be masculine and feminine at the same time. Pheonix nodded and let go of Pharaoh before looking them in the eyes "dont wander off this time, we dont need a repeat of last time" she said, sounding amused
While Dawn Of Dusk was leaning back next to the door outside he pulled out his angelic golden war mace and examined it smiling at his reflection. While indoors Flonz saw the darker girl smile at him so he decided to smile back. With a slight tint of red shown on his face. He noticed at the last second and then stared at floor wishing he had a helmet like Dawn Of Dusk.
Katherine then went outside as she hummed.Dark Katherine looked down,a faint tint of pink appearing on her cheeks.
Pharaoh nodded at Pheonixs words and then the shape shifter walked up to the front desk, tapping on the persons head with a grin
Archaios glided down from a nearby building and landed heavely outside, panting slightly as ash covered feathers fell from his wings. He shook himself and pulled his partially feathered wings against his back, looking round
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