Generation X
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:32pm
Thread Topic: Generation X
" right lets go " she says before running towards the person
cody17 Novice" help!" Adam screamed ." anybody out there?"* coughs*
Scarlette opened her wings and followed her. She smiled as she thought of others.
" we're coming " Carter yells sending her puppets out to help the person trapped under the debris
cody17 NoviceAdam was low on breath " get me out!" " help"
As Carter reached the debris she began to loft it with help from her puppets
" Scarlett help !!!" She screamed -
Scarlette flew down and landed beside Carter. "Stand back." she said as she thought and the debris movved around.
Carter leaped out of the way energy flailing around she deactivated her puppets except do Reyna
cody17 NoviceAdam was laying motionless below the debris." Help." He silently said.
[ * except Reyna )
Carter thought about his injuries like she woukd a puppet and focused enough to stall it
the debris moved out of the way and Scarlette helped the stranger up. "I'm Scarlette and this is my companion Carter. Who might you be?" she asked.
" Scarlett what do we do " she panicked
cody17 NoviceAdam coughed slowly getting to his feet" my name is Adam.Adam Grant.thank you."
"Let's see who he is first." she said.
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