- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:31pm
Thread Topic: Lucky~
So.. Do you have any preferences in genres?
Honestly I'm fine with anything, really ^^ so whatever you want
What about the plot for Savages? It's a book I'm working on
Sure! That sounds good! Just gimme a sec to make a character
Okay ^^
Name: Ray Fischella
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Looks: Tallish, tannish, short kinda spiky black hair, pale brown eyes, thinning but still strong
Wears: white t-shirt, his brother's leather jacket, plain jeans and sneakers, he has one ear pierced
Family: All dead, his parents and his older brother, except for his baby sister, Miranda. He was really close with his brother
Weapons: pistol strapped to his belt, and he keeps a total of five pocket knives in his jacket. He's a pretty good shot, but less skilled with hand to hand fighting
Traveling with: His little sister Miranda, who's only two, and a stray cat that insists on following them around (named 'Birdie' by his sister)
Personality: Stubborn, hot-headed, really overprotective of people cloe to him. It takes a while for him to trust someone, but once he does he'll do anything for them
Other: he really hates the rain and cats, but he adores dogs -
I'm using AJ from my other thread, I'll start^^)
Alisa snorted quietly, one foot on the skateboard and her other foot on the chest of a squirming man. "Look, I gave you three chances to pay up. I'm honestly over these games James." The man looked about 50, really skinny and looking weak. His thinning blonde hair was sticking up and his wild blue eyes glared up at her. "L-look, I just got my camp raided and I don't have your rations yet.. B-but I promise I will!" He stuttered and she rolled her eyes but he wouldn't see it due to her glasses. "Whatever. You've got until tomorrow night." She lifted her foot and he rolled to his hands and knees and stood up and ran off. "Good riddance." She sighed and felt movement in the bookbag on her bag. A little head popped out and Jasper barked out at her. "Get back in there! We will be home soon." AJ walked down the littered dirty streets and looked around at the broken, burned, still standing buildings. -
Ray woke to the sound of screaming. Not a particularly pleasant way to rise, in case you were wondering. He desperately wanted to roll over, ignore the noise, and go back to sleep. But he knew he couldn't. So he sat up quickly and pulled the little girl next to him into his arms, rocking her gently. "Hey, hey, shhh.." He mumbled, trying not to sound too urgent. His sister's crying might alert any nearby attackers. Her tiny hands grabbed at the air as she wailed, and Ray sighed, knowing what would calm her down. He made a little kissing noise and snapped his fingers, and moment later, a scruffy-looking orange tabby cat came trotting out of the shadows. She settled herself in front of Miranda, who immediately silenced and smiled. "Birdie!"
A faint screaming sound tickled her ears and it made her stop in her tracks. "Let's play a game Jas.." She set the puppy down and he began to sniff around. Tieing his leash to her belt she got on her skate board and slowly made her way down the street, waiting for the sound again.
Things had been going perfectly fine until Miranda tripped while chasing the cat around their tiny camp, which resulted in another screaming fit. Ray was able to calm her down rather quickly, but once again he was worried that the sound would attract some bloodthirsty gangs or something.
Once the puppy heard the scream he started to pull on the leash with his little legs and she picked him up. "Let's go check this out." She huffed and took off, the wheels rumbling under her feet as she flew down the street towards the sound. People peered at her from dirty windows and make shift houses. Ignoring them she founded a quiet, empty corner of the city. Expect soft voices and suddenly a orange tabby kitten ran out hissing at her and Jasper.
Ray swore under his breath and lifted Miranda into his arms, chasing after the cat. That little fuzz ball was just about the only thing keeping Miranda calm (and therefore keeping Ray sane) so he couldn't lose it, no matter how much it annoyed him. However, he stopped chasing the orange blur immediately when he almost ran into a girl. He quickly stepped back, flicking a switchblade out of his pocket and watching the knife pop out. "Who are you?"
Alisa blinked to find a young man standing before her with a wailing child in his arms and a knife in one hand. Jasper barked at the cat, his wrinkly little body shaking with his wagging tail. "Me? I'm just a friend, or an enemy. Depending on how this all goes down." She said simply in her slightly raspy voice. With a slow hand she pushed her shades up onto the top of her head and peered at him with piercing green cat eyes.
Ray forced himself not to be distracted by her striking- and quite lovely- feline emeralds of eyes. Her shifted Miranda's weight so that she was on one hip, so he could hold her with one arm and the knife with the other. "I'd rather not make any enemies I don't have to." He said, watching the girl carefully.
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