Welcome to Hogwarts.
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:27pm
Thread Topic: Welcome to Hogwarts.
Relax! You'll be fine. *turns to Harry* Where're Raven and Neville?
C'mon, Neville! We might be late! *Walks into room*
Neville; *Follows* -
Rave, you're here! *huggles* Hi Neville.
Huggle Rave, not Neville. 0.0)
Hi Rave, hi Neville! *continues pacing*
*Hugs back* Hey, you guys!
Neville: *Awkward wave* Hey. -
*Ron walks in, doesn't notice*
Harry: *impatient tug* Aren't you hungry? Let's go eat!
*sigh* Okay. Later guys! -
Neville: M-Maybe we should go get some food as well? *Doesn't want to dance*
*Sigh* Fine... -
Yeah, come on! *grabs brownie and noms*
Harry: *grabs two brownies* -
Ron: *taps on shoulder from behind*
AAAH *makes tiny jump* Oh Ron it's you *hugs*
Ron: Whoa, what's with you?
Just nervous! *pulls Ron to the others* Eating something may help... -
Neville: *Grabs a brownie*
*hands Omegy a choco frog* Here! Hi Ron.
Harry: *sips punch and avoids dancing* -
*noms on frog silently*
Ron: Hi guys! *grabs something to eat as well* I glad i didn't have to wear the suit my mum gave me. It's emberassing...
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