My English teacher is f---ing bulls---ting me.
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:17pm
Thread Topic: My English teacher is f---ing bulls---ting me.
She said, that out of all the 300 f---ing 7th graders, I got the highest score on the English CST. Not ONE of the highest, THE highest.
How the f--- is that possible? Here comes immigrant Alice who just came from Mexico a few years back and barely knows any English, and she gets the highest score out of 300 students? What the fruking hell is that, did I cheat on the CST or did my 6th grade teacher change my answers or what?
Pure bulls---. And she only said all of this because I was the only one that volunteered to sum up all the narratives we read. -
you never know ;P -
It didn't seem like she was lying either, if she was lying she'd do her little pucker face.
One things for sure- everyone's gonna start throwing yogurt at me and start pantsing me. -
*needs a paintball gun filled with rotting cheese* D:< arses -
You're so smart Arisu, and most Americans aren't. xD I'm proud of you. :D
I so proud of you hermanita. *hugs*.
.-. Well they all hate smart kids.. Ad they think I'm conceited when I'm the most f---ing quiet kid in the class. Well not really, but I only talk when I want to say something stupid.
They just naturally hate me. ;~; It's that one chick's fault..
There aren't really any full Americans in our classes. xD We have an Irish boy, a Frenchie, a Russian, an Italian, we had a German but he moved, Salavdoreneans, Guatamaltecos, Canadians.. You name it! xD I expect them to be incredibly smart but for SOME reason God decides he wants me to be the one getting yogurt thrown at. xD
But thanks for being proud though. .3. -
Gracias hermano. .3. *hugs back*
Hate smart kids huh? Pure jealousy lol. You have such a bright future, oy I sound like a proud mommy or something. xD
That's cool that it's such a diverse class though. :3 -
Hermanita don't let anyone put you down because you're young and smart Teach believers with your life: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity.and by doing all this you will alway be forever more a wonderful girl and specially the smart it at your school. Once again a super proud of you.
These people covered everything I was going to say T3T oh well
Just do your best ^^ they just be hatin with their pants filled with jelly--*shot* -
Euuargh, I suck at thanking you guys for helping me like this. Seriously, I feel a lot better now, thank you guys so much, you're life savers and you're awesome
and you're sexy too. Dx *such tight hugssss*
I guess having a diverse class is cool Ana, it just gets weird when we have to get paired up with each other, last time I got the Italian and I wasn't very happy. xD (f---ing mischievous boy..)
I'll try Mummy. .3. As long as they don't decide to tie me to the fence, I'll try and not let them get to me.
xD Yeah. *shoots shooter* -
You ish awesome
and sexytoo! xD
Most of my classes in the past were just American people heh. -
why thank you my
sexyfabulous amiga!
That's because you didn't live near the border---- *SHOT* -
You're very good at English, and anyone who hates you for it can SUCK IT. }}:D
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