Dancing In The Rain
Thread Topic: Dancing In The Rain
Just wanna clarify I'm not shaming those who have mental health issues and use them to EXPLAIN why they may be acting differently or they lashed out but for it is never an explanation, it is always always an excuse where we're supposed to roll over and go "oh you have mental health issues so the way you hurt us is totally okay now"
We're not the closest of friends because I'm no longer as much of a pushover and won't constantly excuse her behavior and will actually confront her and be like "hey this is not okay" which is what real friends do but at least I ain't gotta deal w that much then
I do care about her somewhat and she is fairly young, so maybe there's hope that she matures from this behavior because honestly it is very unhealthy for her to be so dependent on attention that she feels the only way she can get it is by being miserable
Which is why it is so so important to "be there" for people even when they're not sad. Sometimes people say that they will "be there" for you but that only means they'll only ever hang around you when they pity you
Wanting love and attention is completely natural but it can go too far sometimes into unhealthy behaviors and mindsets
I know how it feels to be surrounded by people who constantly focus on negative stuff and never allow them to be happy, and it really sucks because you want to help them but in doing so your mental health plummets. That's why I do my best to be positive and happy around others, except for this place. This thread is one of the few places that get to see my rants, my vents, my anger, my sadness. This is the place where I get to be negative so other people can see the positive side of me
Sometimes I want to cry and cry and go some place where I finally belong for once in my life, because I stick out like a sore thumb wherever I go
That spiritual moment with other believers was the closest I ever felt to belonging anywhere. We were all so wildly different but the same in Christ and I cried so hard, I felt humbled and I felt like I was home
I swear I tasted heaven that night and it was beautiful
No matter how politely and respectfully I speak, it will always be "talking back" which is frustrating, because it's hard to establish basic boundaries or express discomfort when every time it's taken as a personal attack
If I want to be left alone, it's not about you. It's about me. It's about what I need in that moment in order to recover and return to normal. It's not because I hate you or I'm mad, I just need to be by myself so we can discuss things when I'm in a clearer state of mind
Okay edge lord, time to be positive for once lol
On the bright side, I found a home for baby cat and now I get to see her a lot <3 and also make that BANK -
👏Time 👏 to 👏 actually 👏 be 👏 productive 👏
"We support all people and religions"
What a joke. No you do not. You'd like to think of yourself as a tolerant and loving person but when it comes down to it, you mock and laugh like everyone else. Don't pretend to be my friend. -
The least you can do is leave me and my religion alone. Idc if you don't agree with it or don't support it, but please don't act like you're some justice bringer because you're not. You stereotyped me and made fun of me and yet lose your minds when someone does even the slightest thing like it to you
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