The Wine Cellar
Politics, current events and important issues. Talk about politics here, whether you're a conservative or liberal, moderate or anarchist. Discuss competing ideologies, political leaders and parties. Don't miss our Political Spectrum Quiz.
- Osamaneeds to winSports19
- Hikaru Katsu
- 6 posts
- 12 years ago
- I have found a solutionWe elect this guyZane Is Here
- Hephaestuschild
- 8 posts
- 12 years ago
- Rockstar123
- 20 posts
- 12 years ago
- Mitt Romney StyleIt's just fun to watch it.redawn
- Infinity
- 8 posts
- 12 years ago
- the Ben Starr dictionary of American political ideologiesmeant to be slightly humorousCherryBombRiots
- tongue
- 4 posts
- 12 years ago
- Yes on 1.Here in Maine.CherryBombRiots
- CherryBombRiots
- 7 posts
- 12 years ago
- I'm actually looking forward to the debate betweenPaul Ryan and Joe Biden.Unexpected
- VegeKaka
- 4 posts
- 12 years ago
- GTQ Guy
- 31 posts
- 12 years ago
- tongue
- 3 posts
- 12 years ago
- CherryBombRiots
- 11 posts
- 12 years ago
Sage Parson
- CherryBombRiots
- 3 posts
- 12 years ago
Skyler Potter
- Skyler Potter
- 8 posts
- 12 years ago
- tongue
- 3 posts
- 12 years ago
- absol heart
- 2 posts
- 12 years ago
- Tongue, I don't know when you'll see thisand it's a bit of an awkward question to asktongue
- barberbob2
- 2 posts
- 12 years ago
- Obama-san?Yes, Romney-san?VegeKaka
- CherryBombRiots
- 2 posts
- 12 years ago
- The big debate's tonightThoughts?6 6 sick
- Skyler Potter
- 7 posts
- 12 years ago
- 123412
- 10 posts
- 12 years ago
- Leik omg.So Mitt Romneyz went to leik, a Mexican restaurant.Infinity
- VegeKaka
- 11 posts
- 12 years ago
- Roseanne running for President?Really?CherryBombRiots
- Skyler Potter
- 2 posts
- 12 years ago