My thread:3
Thread Topic: My thread:3
I have roleplayed in weeks, probably a month or so. Wait. A. Momentum.
You have doges, doggies, pups? JESUS CHRIST. I an too broke to have pets. ;; Just settling around and wondering what to do with my life. -
we pray but god dont answer 😪
Have or haven't?
Dogs lol. Chihuahuas. Ahaha.. Not even a fish? Or gerbil? What kind of pet do you want?
Ohh. Those moments are very serious and important. :o -
I hope you choke on your hatred and die a slow death.
but I did
Haven't, my typos mannn :')
CHIHUAHUAS ARE SO CUTE. I just love it when they get angry for some reason. Nope, but due to technology we can finally walk our fish. Don't even ask about that. xD
I'm fine with either a cat or a dog, but my mom is obviously trying to score a dog.
I know, they are scary
shhhhotss fired from carla like -
..... *bows* lord you noticed me?!
Oh lol. Who do you usually rp with?
Nah man. It pisses me off when they do exactly that. xD they take longer to use the restroom outside just to bark at LITERALLY NOTHING. NOTHING. Oh i really wanted to know why lol xD.
I think a dog would be prefect for you. Any type you like?
They are x''P
Umm.. Okay??? Gtfo like.. What hatred? 😂😂 -
Is this about Kokoro and Elroy? T.T
yes albie
I saw you working that job and paying bills
You get into heaven dudette
Random dawgs on here. I barely try to go into The Stage. I can't risk my eyes being exposed to cringey roleplays, I just can't
OH MY GOD I can just imagine that jesus christ
Shh, one must not know
I would like a golden retriever, but my mom doesn't like those kinds and she likes really tiny dogs, like Pomeranians that don't grow huge.
I want to avoid them at all cost
that was serious h O l y c r a p -
yasss b---- ✋
The lit roleplays here aren't that great. I suck at them but holy.
It's sooo annoying.. The youngest one is the most aggressive and crazy one. The other.. is just dumb sometimes xD
okay. :(
Your mom is just like mine! It sucks. Bigger dogs are way better than smaller. Why can't they understand that? ;~;
Sometimes it's helpful. A feeling i want to avoid is the "im living?!" feeling because its uncomfortable.
nah bruh we cool we cool 😎 -
You get a seat next
would you get offended if I said a really offensive joke right about now?
They really aren't, that's why I try not to read some. But I've seen you guys roleplay and your characters are pretty f---ing interesting. x')
xD lol do they run into stuff and do they invade your space?
I know right? They are much more protective and cuddly. My mom just wants a purse dog, like who wants that?
It really is. You get me dude this is getting weird. It's like the "I'm living" feeling just pops out of no where like the awareness that life has no legitimate meaning but then it fades away after seconds.
no like you and carla? like holy s--- you guys can become actors xP -
How is he holding up?
im scared to hear it
Oh i only script rp. It's easier for me and a whole lot more fun. I like being able to do plot-free stuff. I value my characters a lot and I make them have a more depth personality and background.
Kinda both lol.
Bwahaha "purse dog". Idk why i found that funny. xD
EXACTLY. Like.. Why are we given that short realization?! Srhbkhsazct..
I wanna be one tbh ;_;
He's starving himself b---- -
nO cHiLL
lol forreal tho.
Kokoro ruined him.
I think i understand what you are trying to say. Hopefully.
They get in my way when I'm trying to draw. I just can't lol. Aw drew dun do that to them. xD
Casually want to draw a dog in a purse. I'm being serious right now.
I really do not have a clue. I think.. s---. I really don't know. I'm going to look it up.
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