My thread:3
Thread Topic: My thread:3
Bruhhhhhh i wooon
i get a dl taco yo
so tired lol
I saw that drawing
gaygaygaygay -
The one i posted on Instagram this morning?
it was so cute ;; -
Ty!! I can maybe draw you next as a cartoon. :D i can try lol.. I still need to work on it
draw me with sum big ole tiddies yo
You're improving with the cartoon art style so I would like to see how it would turn out.
Do you still want to do that collab? -
ohhhh?? ;)
I got tired of the anime style so much lol.. But I'll put you in my list.
Idk. If you do. Tho i think it'll be best until I get my laptop! -
Oh yeee man, them taddys
You can only draw anime for so long xP YAY.. wait.. do I have to pay
You're going to connect your tablet to your laptop to draw? -
mean taddys
Exactly lol.. And nahhh. This is for fun and practice. I haven't set up my commission crap yet. x)
Oh no. I just want a laptop so I could use an art program. Plus drawing on my tablet and phone is a pain. I might get a wacom tablet too. Idk. -
Where would you set it up?
You should. You should try paint tool sai if you get one. -
Im done with you
I have to get a profilo together or examples of what I can do/my art. Then I have to think of beginning prices etc, and a way to send or receive money. I already made my email for commissions. It's a lot.. I want my old art teacher's advice too.
Doesn't that cost like.. 60$? ;; what do you use?
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